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Use this form to access all forms required to build a FirstClass RAD application.
Project tab
The Project tab lists all project components.
New button
Creates a new project.
Open button
Opens an existing project.
Build button
Builds the completed project into an application.
Options button
Sets attributes for the project as a whole.
About button
Displays the name and version number of FirstClass RAD.
Modify button
Opens the selected item so you can update it.
Remove button
Removes the selected item from the project.
Run/Stop button
Runs the project for testing purposes. This button toggles to Stop, so that you can stop testing and return to the development environment.
Form tab
The Form tab lists all forms in the project.
New button
Adds a form to the project.
Modify button
Opens the selected form and its Attributes window so that you can update the form's and fields' attributes.
Remove button
Removes the selected form from the project.
Attributes button
Opens the Attributes window of the selected form.
Run/Stop button
Runs the project for testing purposes. This button toggles to Stop, so that you can stop testing and return to the development environment.
Module tab
The Module tab lists all code modules in the project.
New button
Adds a code module to the project.
Modify button
Opens the code window for the selected module, so that you can update it.
Remove button
Removes the selected module from the project.
Rename button
Renames the selected module.
Run/Stop button
Runs the project for testing purposes. This button toggles to Stop, so that you can stop testing and return to the development environment.
Connection tab
The Connection tab lists all connections to databases that have been added to the project.
New button
Adds a database connection to the project.
Modify button
Opens the selected database connection so that you can update it.
Remove button
Removes the selected database connection from the project.
Run/Stop button
Runs the project for testing purposes. This button toggles to Stop, so that you can stop testing and return to the development environment.
Table tab
The Table tab lists all connections to tables in databases that have been added to the project.
New button
Adds a database table connection to the project. A connection to the database must already exist in this project.
Modify button
Opens the selected database table connection so that you can update it.
Remove button
Removes the selected database table connection from the project.
Run/Stop button
Runs the project for testing purposes. This button toggles to Stop, so that you can stop testing and return to the development environment.

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