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Use this form to set attributes, such as name, for a form and the fields on it.
Field tab
Use this tab to specify attributes for specific fields.
The name of the field.
Displays the type of field you created in FirstClass Designer.
The table to which you want to bind this field.
The column in this table to which you want to bind this field.
Edit Code button
Opens the code window for the selected field, so that you can program an event procedure for this field.
Starts the index at zero.
Form tab
Use this tab to specify attributes for the form as a whole.
The name of the form.
The name that will appear in this form's title bar.
To add a table to which you want to bind fields on this form, click Add. To remove a table, select it, then click Remove.
Edit Code button
Opens the code window for the form, so that you can program an event procedure for this form.

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