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Use this form to specify how the link will behave.
Target URL
Tells the link which item to open when it is clicked (the target). Drag the target item or a marker from another item to the form to fill in this field, or type the URL in the field.
If you dragged the target directly into your message or document, this field is prefilled.
To create a mailto link, type mailto: plus the name of a conference or user as it appears in the Directory, or an email address.
Lists all markers in this message or document, in the order they occur. To link to one of these markers, choose the marker, then click Link to Marker.
You can also link to a marker in this message or document by typing the marker name, preceded by #, at "Target URL". Link URLs are case sensitive. For example, if you are linking to a marker called My Marker, #My Marker will work, but #my marker won't.
Test button
Tests your link. The target is opened, or, if the target is a marker in the same message or document, it is scrolled into view.
Link options
Link title
The name you want to give the link. This name will appear in the link's tooltip and in the list of links. If a link does not have a title, there is no tooltip for it, and the link's URL appears in the list of links.
If you dragged a target item directly into your message or document, this field is prefilled. You can change this name.
•       Use Same Window - opens the target in the same window as the current message or document
•       Use New Window - opens the target in a separate window
•       Use Named Window - opens the target in a separate window which you identify at "Target window name".
Choose this if you don't want users to open a lot of windows. By opening links in one or a few named windows, you limit the number of windows opened by your links to just those windows. All links with the same value in this field will open their targets in the same window.
Close current window
Closes the current window after the target window opens.
Target window name
The name you want to give a named window.
List Links button
Opens a list of all links in your message or document.

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