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About the FirstClass Directory
The FirstClass Directory is the place on the server that stores information about users and objects to which you can address mail. You can open the Directory to view who and what is in it. It also lets you address mail just by typing the name of a user or object.
The Directory contains addresses for:
• all users who are registered on this server
For example, if your organization has one server, all users in your organization who are registered on your server are listed. The groups to which they belong are also shown, if this information was entered by your administrator.
• your personal addresses and mail lists
These are created by you. You will only see personal addresses and mail lists that you added, not other users' personal addresses and mail lists.
• conferences, gateways, and calendars known to this server.
81203_42521_14.png Note
Some Directory entries may not be visible to you because your administrator can customize your view of the Directory. In addition, some entries may be unlisted. This means they don't appear in the Directory.
About bold and italic names
Here and throughout FirstClass:
• names in bold are currently connected to your server
• names in italics won't accept instant message invitations.
Opening the Directory
You can open the Directory from an unsent message or a mail list form. Just leave the message or mail list form blank and click an Add button on the form.

Listing Directory names
The Directory may also open when you type a partial address or name in a message or mail list, then click Add. If you want to see all names in the Directory in this case, clear "Name", then click Search.
To list only names containing certain characters, type the characters at "Name", then click Search. For example, to list only those entries with a first or last name of Alan, type something like al. To find the entry for Alan Grady, type the entire name or something like al gr.

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