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About the My Web Site folder
The My Web Site folder on your Desktop is the place to put material (web pages) that you want others to view using their web browsers. FirstClass publishes the contents of My Web Site on the web.
Don't move My Web Site off your Desktop, or it won't work properly. If you move this folder off your Desktop by mistake, you can move it back, and it will work again.

Creating content for My Web Site
To create content for My Web Site, you can:
• move FirstClass folders, documents, and messages into this folder
upload plain text files directly to this folder
These files can contain HTML code.
• create documents directly in this folder.
These documents can contain HTML code. There is a special document form for creating web pages. Personal Web Page hides the FirstClass toolbars and just shows the page content.

Specifying a home page document
You can designate a document as your home page. FirstClass will open this document when My Web Site is opened with a web browser. You can design your home page to link to the other contents of My Web Site.
572004_44255_0.png Caution
Consider creating all the content in My Web Site before you designate a home page. After you have a designated home page, you will subsequently only be able to see all the contents of My Web Site using the FirstClass client or an FTP/HTTP-enabled HTML editor.
To make a document that was created using one of the special web page document forms your home page, name it "home page".
To make a document that was created using any other document form your home page, give it one of the following names:
• index.htm or index.html
• home.htm or home.html
• default.htm or default.html.

Viewing others' web site contents
You can see another user's home page by clicking that user's name in the Directory or Who's Online list. If this user does not have a designated home page, you will see the user's My Web Site folder instead.
You can also go directly to a user's web site content if you know the user name or mail alias and the domain name of the server for this user. Type the web page address in the address field of your web browser, using the following format:
http://domain name/~first name_last name
http://domain name/~alias
For example, to see Michael Hill's (user name Michael Hill) web site content at, you would type
To see Michael's web site content using his email alias (his email address is, you would type

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