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Requesting special message handling
You can set priority, sensitivity, and receipt notification options through the message options on the standard message form.

Sending messages
To send your message, click Send. This button is only displayed after you have addressed the message.
Sending messages later
To close a message and leave it unsent, click Save. The message stays in your Mailbox with an unsent flag beside it.
You can open the message later to update and then send it.

Unsending messages
In certain circumstances, you can unsend a message. This makes the message disappear from the container to which you sent it.
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Be aware that the message may have already been read.
You cannot unsend a message that was:
• sent through the Internet or a gateway
• moved into a folder or deleted by the recipient
• sent to a user who does not allow you to unsend from his Mailbox.
To unsend a message, open it, then click Unsend. The message becomes editable, and an unsent flag is displayed beside the message in your Mailbox.

Checking whether messages have been read
FirstClass tracks the history of each message. This history includes when it was created, who has read it and when, and whether it was worked with in any other way (for example, forwarded or copied).
To see the history of a sent message, select or open the message, then click History.
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The names of Bcc recipients do not appear in the history, except to themselves and to the message sender.

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