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Sharing among teachers

Although FirstClass can help you in project development, it can also be of assistance in sharing your experiences and project ideas with fellow teachers.  
9203_31808_2.png Project journal
Before you start the project, consider starting a project journal. Create a FirstClass document to organize your ideas about the project. If other teachers have done the project before, get their thoughts on ways to improve it next year. When the project is complete, store your journal in a forum to share with other teachers.
9203_31808_2.png Best practices for projects
Create a conference in a forum where other teachers can access it. In the conference, share your project ideas, and maybe even store your project journal here.
For example, if you are an English teacher, create a conference where all the English teachers cn access it. Within the conference, create documents for famous authors you may want to study or assign projects about. Include a biography of the author, books by the author, topics covered, and suggested projects for each book.  

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