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About contact management
FirstClass lets you store personal contact information, such as the email address, phone number, and street address of a friend. This information is stored in a personal address. Personal addresses provide a quick way to address messages to both people who aren't registered on your server and people who are, but whom you address, say, by nickname.
You can also create mail lists.
81203_42935_18.png Tip
We recommend that you create a conference instead of a mail list, to reduce Mailbox clutter, if all recipients would have access to your conference.
Personal addresses and mail lists can be in your Contacts folder, where only you will see them, or in public contact databases, where others can see and contribute to them. You, your administrator, and other users can create contact databases and share them with other users.
When you add personal addresses and mail lists, they are added to your personal view of the Directory. In the case of a contact database, you must place a link to it in your Contacts folder, to see the contact database entries in your view of the Directory.
81203_42521_14.png Exceptions
Personal addresses aren't added to the Directory if they are lacking email addresses, or if your administrator didn't give you access to the contact management feature. If you don't have the contact management feature, you can still create personal addresses purely for reference.

Your Contacts folder
All FirstClass users have personal Contacts folders on their Desktops. Your Contacts folder contains personal addresses and mail lists that you have added for your own use.
To open your Contacts folder from a location other than your Desktop, click Contacts Folder.
Don't move your Contacts folder off your Desktop, or it won't work. If you moved this folder off your Desktop in error, you can move it back, and it will work again.

Viewing contact databases
There are several ways you can control how you view contact information in your Contacts folder and other contact databases.
Changing a contact database view
You can view the entries in a contact database in the normal List view or in an Index Card view that looks like this:

This view gives you immediate access to standard information, such as phone numbers, so that you can call someone without having to open their personal address form.
To use List view, click View by List. To use Index Card view, click View by Index Card.
Controlling how you view personal address information
FirstClass supplies several versions of the form you use to add and store personal addresses in contact databases. For example, if you are used to an Outlook or Palm personal address form, there are FirstClass forms that have a similar layout.
Choose the form you want to use in your Contacts folder and as the default form in any contact databases that you create in your viewing preferences. Choose the form you want to use for a specific contact database in that contact database's permissions.

Adding personal addresses
You can add personal addresses to your Contacts folder or to any other contact database.
Adding personal addresses to your Contacts folder
1 Choose New Contact from the Create field.
81203_42521_14.png Shortcut
If the address you want is in the "From" field of a FirstClass message header, click the Add to Contacts Folder icon beside it. This opens the New Personal Address form with the name and email address prefilled.
2 Update the New Personal Address form.
Adding personal addresses to contact databases
1 Open the contact database.
2 Click New Contact.
3 Update the New Personal Address form.

Adding mail lists
You can add mail lists to your Contacts folder or to any other contact database.
Adding mail lists to your Contacts folder
1 Choose New Personal Mail List from the Create field.
Adding mail lists to contact databases
1 Open the contact database.
2 Click New Mail List.

Updating contact information
To update contact information:
1 Open the personal address or mail list.
2 Click Edit Form.
3 Change the information.

Grouping your contacts
You can create contact databases within your Contacts folder, or another contact database, to organize contact information.
For example, you can create a contact database for all contacts involved with a special project, then move entries into this contact database. You can share this contact database just as you would any other contact database.

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