Moving and copying objects
You can move objects by dragging them.
To copy an object, press Control (Windows, Linux) or Option (Mac OS, Mac OS X) while dragging it.
If your administrator has not given you permission to move a particular object, FirstClass will try to create a link to the object instead.
When you move a message into a conference or your Mailbox, the message's expiry date changes to the default expiry date for objects in that location. You can reset the expiry date by changing the information about the message.
Deleting objects
To delete an object, select it, then choose File > Delete or press Delete.
When you delete an object, that object is marked for deletion, but is not immediately removed from the server. FirstClass physically removes deleted objects when it collects the trash. Your administrator schedules trash collection times.
Deleting a folder, conference, or calendar also deletes all objects contained within.
If you need to delete a message that you sent to several conferences, go to your Mailbox and unsend the message, then delete it. If you do not unsend the message first, you will have to delete it from every location to which you sent it. In addition, you may not have permission to delete it from all conferences.
If you can't delete an object
If you can't delete an object, and you know that your administrator has given you permission to delete it, the object may be protected.
Restoring deleted objects
Before the trash is collected, you can restore a deleted object. To do this:
1 Open the window that contained the deleted object.
2 Choose View > Show Deleted Items.
All deleted objects that have not yet been removed during trash collection are displayed, with trash can icons beside them.
You cannot open an object that is marked for deletion.
3 Select the object you want to restore.
4 Choose File > Undelete.
When you have finished restoring deleted objects, you can hide the objects that are still marked for deletion by choosing View > Hide Deleted Items.
Hiding objects
To hide a selected object:
1 Open its properties.
2 Choose Hidden at "View".
Showing hidden objects
To list hidden objects, Shift-click the closed container in Explore view. To unhide one of these objects:
1 Select it.
2 Open its properties.
3 Choose Default or another location at "View".
Opening objects with a single click
Normally, you open an object by double-clicking it.
In Explore view, objects open with a single click.
To make objects in a particular pane open with a single click using the FirstClass Classic interface, select "Open icons with single click" on the Icons tab of the View Properties form.
Only the icon portion of an object is affected by this change. To select an object in this pane instead of opening it, click any text associated with the object (such as an icon's title). To move an object in this pane, drag its title.
Working with multiple objects
You can select multiple objects using your operating system's normal selection commands.
In addition, you can select objects based on a common value, such as the same author or same date. This is a useful way to highlight likely objects when you are scanning a list for a particular object. To do this, choose Select Similar Items from the shortcut menu.
In List view, open this menu from an object with the value you want to select, in the column that contains this value.
In icon views, open this menu from the part of an object that shows the value you want to select (such as a flag).
For example, to select all messages with the subject "Budget", find a message with this subject, then open the shortcut menu from "Budget" and choose Select Similar Items.
Selecting a subject actually selects a message thread. All messages in the thread are selected, even if the subject wording was changed.
To open multiple selected objects, choose File > Open > Open Selected.
Combining multiple objects
To view the combined contents of multiple selected objects such as messages or documents in a single window, choose Message > Summarize Selected. The objects are displayed one after the other in a temporary document that is no longer accessible after you close it.
Before you close this document, you can search it for specific text, print it, or save it.