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About tables
Tables let you put content in rows and columns of cells. If you have used tables in other applications, you'll be familiar with how FirstClass tables work.
A table cell can contain not only text, but all normal content elements, such as embedded pictures, multiple paragraphs, tabs, and even another embedded table.
To move from cell to cell, use the arrow keys.

Creating tables
To create a table:
1       Click where you want to insert the table.
2       Choose Edit > Table > Insert Table.
3       Update the New Table form.

Selecting table elements
To select a row, position the cursor to the left of the row. Click when the cursor looks like this:

To select a column, position the cursor above the column. Click when the cursor looks like this:
To select a cell, position the cursor in the blank space around the cell content. Click when the cursor looks like this:
You can select content in table cells just as you do content elsewhere.
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Clicking in a cell (or moving there with the arrow keys) makes that cell, and that table, the active cell and table. Formatting commands work on the active cell and table, just as if they were selected.
Extending selections
To select additional rows or columns, Shift-click them.
If a cell is selected, you can select the next cell in the row or column by pressing Shift plus the appropriate arrow key. You can also click the top left cell of the area you want to select, then drag the cursor and release it at the bottom right cell.

Formatting tables
You can format a table to change:
•       the table's width, alignment, and positioning within the content
•       whether the first row is a header
•       the space around the table
•       the alignment of content in all cells
•       the space around content in all cells
•       the appearance of exterior, horizontal, and vertical borders.
To change the formatting of a whole table:
1       Click anywhere in the table.
2       Choose Format > Format Table.
3       Update the Format Table form.
Adding rows
To add a row to a table:
1       Click the row below where you want to insert the new row.
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To insert more than one row, select the number of rows that corresponds to the number of rows you want to add. The new rows will be placed above the selected rows.
2       Choose Edit > Table > Insert Rows.
Making a header row
To make the first row of a table act as column headings which repeat at the top of each page in page width mode, in a presentation, or when printed, choose "First row is header" on the Format Table form.
Adding columns
To add a column to a table:
1       Click the column to the right of where you want to insert the new column.
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To insert more than one column, select the number of columns that corresponds to the number of columns you want to add. The new columns will be placed to the left of the selected columns.
2       Choose Edit > Table > Insert Columns.

Formatting selected cells
You can format selected cells to change:
•       the alignment of their content (you can override this alignment on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis)
•       the space around their content
•       column width (this affects all cells in the column, whether selected or not)
•       border appearance
•       background color.
To change the formatting of selected cells:
1       Choose Format > Format Cells.
2       Update the Format Cells form.
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To change the width of any column except the last one, position the cursor over the right border of the column. Drag the column border when the cursor looks like this:
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If you want one column to stay the same size, but allow the other columns to resize with the window, make that column a fixed width and the others a percent.

Moving rows and columns
To move a row or column:
1       Select the row or column.
2       Choose Edit > Cut.
3       Click the row below where you want the row inserted, or the column to the right of where you want the column inserted.
4       Choose Edit > Paste.

Deleting rows and columns
To delete a selected row, choose Edit > Table > Delete Rows.
To delete a selected column, choose Edit > Table > Delete Columns.

Merging cells
You can merge two or more selected cells in a row or in a column. The borders between merged cells are removed, and the cells are combined so that there is just one content area that spans all merged cells.
To merge selected cells so that you create one column out of all selected columns, choose Edit > Table > Merge Columns.
To merge selected cells so that you create one row out of all selected rows, choose Edit > Table > Merge Rows.

Splitting merged cells
To split a selected merged cell so that you create the original number of columns, choose Edit > Table > Split Columns.
To split a selected merged cell so that you create the original number of rows, choose Edit > Table > Split Rows.

Copying and pasting tables
If you copy a table from FirstClass or an external application that supports rich text format (.rtf), it will automatically paste into FirstClass content as a table.
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You can copy a FirstClass table and paste it into a .rtf file in another application.
How your selection affects what is copied
When you copy from a table, your selection determines what gets copied. If you just selected a single cell or content from a single cell, it is copied without the table.
If you selected multiple cells (or the whole table), those cells and their contents are copied as a table.
How your selection affects what is pasted
When you paste, your selection at the time you paste determines what happens.
If you just clicked where you wanted to paste, the copied material is pasted there. If the copied material is a table, it is pasted as a new table. This even happens if you click within the cell of an existing table. The result is a table embedded within the existing table.
If you selected an entire table (or tables), the copied material replaces your selection.
If you selected multiple cells, and your copied material is a table, the contents of the selected cells are replaced with the contents of the copied cells. You can use this method to replace, for example, the contents of a row in one table with the contents of a row from another table.
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FirstClass will only replace the contents of the same number of cells as you copied. If you copied fewer cells than you select for pasting, the contents of the extra selected cells are deleted. If you copied more cells than you select for pasting, the extra copied cells are ignored.
If your copied material isn't a table, it is pasted into the first selected cell, and the contents of the other selected cells are deleted.
Pasting delimited text as a table
You can also paste tab- or comma-delimited text as a FirstClass table. To do this:
1       Click where you want to paste the table.
2       Choose Edit > Paste Special.
3       Select the format you want for the text in the table.
4       Select "Paste as table".

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