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FirstClass® Connector for Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server Guide
Copyright  2003, 2004 by Open Text Corp.
Open Text Corporation
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The FirstClass® Connector for Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server (FirstClass Connector) is a transport mechanism for real-time communication between FirstClass Server (minimum version 6.2) and Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server. It translates messages and user information into a readable format as they are transported to another server, and maintains Directory synchronization between the two servers.
Because the information transfer is performed in real time, the need for intermediate storage is eliminated. The connection to Microsoft Exchange Server is implemented using MAPI for mail and calendaring, and using ADSI for Directory synchronization. The connection to FirstClass is implemented using FCP/Internet Client for mail and calendaring, and using FirstClass batch administration for Directory synchronization.

Who should read this book
This book is intended for the FirstClass Server and Microsoft Exchange Server administrator(s) who will install and run this application.

What you will find in this book
This book describes how to install and use the FirstClass Connector. It also lists the installation requirements and discusses the current features and considerations about this application.
This book does not document how to use FirstClass or Microsoft Exchange Server features. For that information, see our online help and applicable product documentation.

What you should already know
This book is intended for administrators who want to establish a mail flow between their Micorosft Exchange Server and FirstClass Server systems. We assume you are familiar with your Windows® operating system, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, Microsoft Active Directory, MS-DOS®, and FirstClass functionality.

The FirstClass Connector runs on the same computer as Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server (SP3). This server machine must meet the following minimum requirements:
•       Windows 2000 Server (SP3)
•       minimum 128 MB RAM
•       minimum 10 MB free HDD space
•       connection to a LAN.

FirstClass Connector features and considerations
Mail features
•       Basic mail transport (includes message body, subject, recipient list, copylist, subject, time sent, priority, and sensitivity).
•       Mail transport containing one or more attachments.
•       Mail transport containing embedded messages (from Microsoft Exchange Server to FirstClass).
All embedded messages are serialized into a flat list of attachments.
•       Transfer of Microsoft® Outlook® Contacts as mail messages where the Contact body is an attachment.
•       Transfer of Microsoft Outlook Notes as mail messages where the Note body is an attachment.
•       Mail delivery confirmation report upon request.
•       Mail read confirmation report upon request.
•       Automatic mail nondelivery report.

Mail considerations
•       Microsoft Exchange Server embedded or attached OLE objects in mail messages (such as signatures, Excel spreadsheets, and database tables) will not be delivered to FirstClass.
•       Microsoft Outlook tasks are delivered to FirstClass (with all task information) as a mail message, not a FirstClass task.
•       With the exception of the calendar form, all FirstClass forms will be delivered to Microsoft Exchange Server as mail messages. However, nonstandard form fields are omitted from the delivered mail message.

Calendar features
•       Single meeting requests are transported with all their attributes (message body, subject, participants, subject, time sent, start/end date and time, reminder, sensitivity, time display pattern, location, one or more attachments).
•       Microsoft Exchange Server meeting requests delivered to FirstClass are inserted directly into participants’ calendars.
•       FirstClass meeting requests delivered to Microsoft Exchange Server are delivered into the participants’ Inboxes as meeting requests.
•       Meeting RSVP is supported in both directions for Accepted and Declined.
•       The Canceled option from Microsoft Exchange Server is supported; it appears in FirstClass as a Meeting Canceled mail item.
•       Automatic meeting request nondelivery reports are sent when the meeting requests cannot be delivered.
•       Recurring meetings are fully supported for the following recurring patterns only:
•       daily
•       weekly
•       weekdays
•       weekends
•       monthly (same day)
•       monthly (same weekday)
•       annually (same date).
•       Time zones are automatically adjusted for FirstClass Server and Microsoft Exchange Server.

Calendar considerations
Although recurring patterns are supported, note:
•       scheduling a "weekends" recurring pattern from FirstClass to Microsoft Exchange Server will not insert the first occurrence into the series if it occurs on a weekday.
•       scheduling a "weekdays" recurring pattern from FirstClass to Microsoft Exchange Server will not insert the first occurrence into the series if it occurs on a weekend.

Directory synchronization features
•       Upon startup, the FirstClass Connector synchronizes all mailboxes from Microsoft Exchange Server into FirstClass as Remote Names, and all Remote and Regular Users in FirstClass are synchronized into the Microsoft Active Directory as Contacts.
•       Full synchronization can be scheduled, performed automatically whenever a change occurs (incrementally), or performed manually. Incremental synchronization occurs whenever an addition, modification or deletion has been made in the FirstClass Directory or the Microsoft Exchange Server directory.
 81203_42521_14.png       Note
The FirstClass Connector takes approximately one minute to check for changes to the Microsoft Active Directory, so there might be a slight delay to see the changes reflected in the FirstClass Directory.
•       A Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox’s First Name, Last Name, Initials and SMTP email address are mapped to a corresponding FirstClass Remote Name’s First Name, Last Name, Initials and Mail Aliases. The Mail Alias format is <SMTP:smtp email address>.
•       A Regular or Remote FirstClass User’s First Name, Last Name and Initials are correspondingly mapped to a Microsoft Exchange Server Custom Recipient's First Name, Last Name and Initials. The FirstClass Client ID is combined with the FirstClass Site Name to create an Alias for the Custom Recipient (clientId_SiteName). The FirstClass email address of the Custom Recipient has the following format: FC:Display Name,SiteName_clientId.
•       FirstClass downstream server directories can be selectively synchronized (see SORC_SYNC_SITE_NAME_XX configuration parameter).

Directory synchronization considerations
•       Microsoft Exchange Server distribution lists, public folders and Contacts are not synchronized.
•       FirstClass Remote Names, conferences and mail lists are not synchronized.
•       Supplemental attributes are not synchronized at this time (for example, addresses, phone numbers).

Configuring and installing the FirstClass Connector for Microsoft Exchange 2000
Step 1: Create the Windows 2000 account for the FirstClass Connector
Create a Windows 2000 account that will be used by the FirstClass Connector. This account will be used:
•       to create the Microsoft Exchange Server connector profile service for the connector logon profile
•       as a logon account for the FirstClass Connector running as a Windows 2000 service
•       as a Windows 2000 account with administrative rights to Microsoft Exchange Server objects.
Using the Active Directory Users and Computers:
1       Create a Windows 2000 account with an arbitrary name and password.
2       Assign the following Windows 2000 rights and permissions to the newly created account:
•       Windows 2000 Logon as Service rights to the hosting server
•       Windows 2000 Administrative rights to the hosting server.
81203_40013_5.png        Important
All subsequent installation and configuration steps should be carried out while logged into Windows 2000 as this newly created account.
81203_42521_14.png       Note
Further rights and permissions for this account will be assigned in Step 6.

Step 2: Create the "ExchangeConnector" object on FirstClass Server
You must install the ExchangeConnector object and create the Enterprise Services folder with the connector monitor on FirstClass Server. The created Enterprise Services folder will contain the connector monitor.
This ExchangeConnector object is the connection point for the FirstClass Connector on FirstClass Server. The values defined in this step will be required again in Step 9.
Create the ExchangeConnector object, Enterprise Services folder and the connector monitor
1       Log into FirstClass Server as the administrator.
2       optional
Edit the connector object creation script file exchange.ags.
81203_42521_14.png       Note
This is recommended only for expert installations where customization is required. Normally, the following default values in the exchange.ags file are sufficient:
connector name
connector node id
connector user id
3       Submit the connector creation script to Batch Admin for processing.
The connector creation script is supplied in the file <connector name>.ags.
4       Verify that the Gateways and Services folder contains the newly created ExchangeConnector object.
Configure the ExchangeConnector object
1       Open the Gateways and Services folder.
2       Select the newly created connector object.
3       Open the Connection tab and set the connector object password. Make note of this password.
4       Open the Network tab and set the Server IP address.
5       Set Zone/Port to 510 on the Network tab.
6       Open the Multisite (Outbound) tab and select Export Directory names.
7       Select Directory and enter the connector object password again.
8       Close the Gateways and Services folder.
Configure the connector monitor in the Enterprise Services folder
1       Select File > Upload from the FirstClass Server administrator's Desktop.
2       Navigate to the installation directory and select the file "monitorform.fc".
After uploading the monitorform.fc file:
3       Double-click on the form file object that has been placed on the Desktop.
4       Select Update on the Resource Updater form that opens.
5       Open the Enterprise Services folder.
6       Open the Connector Monitor object.
7       Confirm the form is actually the monitor form and not a default mail form.

Step 3: Run the setup application
To run the setup application:
1       Insert the installation CD or type:
d:\ EsConSetup.exe
where d:\ is the name of your CD drive.
2       Follow the instructions.
This application will add the FirstClass Connector Schema Class, the Profile Service, the FirstClass Connector snapins for the Exchange System Manager, the Address Type and the MAPI profile. It will also put the FirstClass Connector into Active Directory.

Step 4: Register the connector
Running as a Windows 2000 registered server
To register the FirstClass Connector for operation as a Windows 2000 registered server:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /RegServer
To unregister the server:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /UnregServer
Running as a Windows 2000 service
To register the FirstClass Connector for operation as a Windows 2000 service:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /Service
To unregister the connector service:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /UnregServer

Step 5: Create the Windows 2000 account for the FirstClass Connector
Create a Windows 2000 account that will be used by the FirstClass Connector. This account will be used:
•       to create the Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server connector profile service for the connector logon profile
•       as a logon account for the FirstClass Connector running as a Windows 2000 service
•       as a Windows 2000 account with administrative rights to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server objects

Step 6: Permit access to the FirstClass Connector Mailbox
You must make sure the administrator account In Microsoft Exchange can access the FirstClass Connector mailbox. This allows the MAPI profile to see the MTS-IN and MTS-OUT folders on the FirstClass Connector.
To set permissions:
1       Start the Exchange System Manager.
2       Expand, in sequence, the Servers node, the node for your Exchange 2000 server, and the First Storage Group node.
3       Right-click the mailbox store and click Properties to bring up the Mailbox Store Properties page.
5       Click Add on the security tab, and then add the current administrator to the list.
6       Click Advanced.
7       Click Add.
8       Select the current administrator and give this person Full Control to the entire mailbox store.
Now that the appropriate permissions have been assigned, you can view the MTS-OUT folder in one of two ways:
•       you can login to the gateway mailbox from the gateway service executable file, or
•       you can use the queue viewer extension in the Exchange System Manager.
The FirstClass Connector always uses the First Storage Group node on Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server for its mailbox.

Step 7: Create the FirstClass Connector's Address Space
An address space defines the set of addresses to which a gateway can deliver messages. It consists of an address type and a wildcard address that represents the domain addresses that the gateway will service, such as *
To create an address space:
1       Open the Exchange System Manager.
2       Expand the Connectors node.
3       Right-click the new FirstClass Connector and select Properties.
4       Click the Address Space tab to bring up this property page.
5       Click Add.
A new dialog box, called Other Address Properties, will be displayed.
•       For the Type, enter FC.
•       For the Cost, enter 1.
•       For the Address, enter *.
6       Click OK to exit the Other Address Space Properties page.
7       Click Apply.
8       When the procedure finishes, click OK.

Step 8: Customize the configuration file
81203_40013_5.png        Warning
Parameters in the ESCON.CFG file are case sensitive.
The configuration file, ESCON.CFG, defines the required parameters for FirstClass Connector operation. This file must be located in the same directory as the ESCON.EXE file unless the FirstClass Connector is registered to run as a Windows 2000 service. If this is the case, the ESCON.CFG file must be located in the \\WINNT\system32\ directory.
Understanding channels
The server is configured into channels. A channel is a unidirectional stream of information. Hence, each channel has a source and a destination. A bidirectional connector would therefore have two channels, one in each direction. Each channel runs as a separate processing task (thread). However, all channels use the same connection to source and destination nodes.
Consequently, there is a section of configuration parameters for each channel in the ESCON.CFG file, and each channel consists of two sections defining the source node parameters and destination node parameters.
General format and syntax
The configuration file (ESCON.CFG) is an ASCII text file with the following general format and syntax:
<Parameter keyword>=<Parameter value>CRLF
[Channel XX]
<Prefix><Parameter keyword>=<Parameter value>CRLF
•       [Common] is a common parameters heading
•       XX is a two digit channel number starting with 01
•       [Channel XX] is a channel XX heading
•       Prefix can be SORC_ or DEST_ or CHANNEL_
•       DEST indicates channel destination node parameter
•       SORC indicates channel source node parameter
•       CHANNEL indicates a channel common parameter.
•       Parameter keywords cannot contain blank spaces or an equal sign.
•       Parameter values can contain any character and must be terminated with a carriage-return/line-feed sequence.
•       Parameter line must not contain any other text other than the keyword and its value.
•       Parameter lines may appear in any order in the file as long as they are within their applicable heading.
•       Comments must be placed on separate lines. A comment is any text that does not adhere to the above syntax.
Common configuration parameters
Common parameters do not have a prefix. Common parameters that can be defined in the configuration file are:
Total number of channels to be configured
How to process log information:
QUIET: do not log information
BASIC: log errors only
NORMAL: log warnings and errors (default)
DETAILED: log information, warnings and errors
DEBUG: record all logs
Channel Parameters
Below is a list of parameters and identifiers that may appear in a configuration file, with explanations. Within a configuration file, these parameters are repeated for each channel that exists.
--------Channel 01 MSX to FC--------
Channel source information:
CONNECTOR: messaging transport channel
DIR-SYNC: directory synchronization channel
NODE_NAME=FirstClass Connector
Microsoft Exchange Server: connector name on Microsoft Exchange Server
FirstClass: connector name on FirstClass Server
Microsoft Exchange Server: FirstClass Connector logon profile name
FirstClass: connector user id
Microsoft Exchange Server: profile password (if any)
FirstClass: connector user id password on FirstClass Server
Microsoft Exchange Server: N/A
FirstClass: optional client fc file used for login
Microsoft Exchange Server: N/A
FirstClass: IP address or name of FirstClass Server
Microsoft Exchange Server: N/A
FirstClass: if present will override default port number 510
Microsoft Exchange Server: set to "connector name (server name)\MTS-OUT"
FirstClass: not used - defaults to Mailbox
Microsoft Exchange Server: set to "connector name (server name)\MTS-IN"
FirstClass: not used - defaults to Desktop
Microsoft Exchange Server: set to SMTP
FirstClass: set to FC
Microsoft Exchange Server:
GLOBAL: LDAP path points to the Microsoft Exchange Server Global Address List (GAL)
NON-GLOBAL: LDAP path points to the Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server site or local address book
FirstClass: N/A
Microsoft Exchange Server: LDAP path to the desired address book container
If AB_VIEW=NON-GLOBAL then the LDAP path points to a specific address book container. Additional containers can be specified as:
where containers can be located on different servers and/or different sites.
FirstClass: not used - defaults to _FC_DirSync for SORC_ and to DeskTop for DEST_
Connector channel set identifier.
A set of connector and channel sources and dirsync channel sources and destinations with the same instance ID that share common Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and FirstClass Server connection points.
Default is zero. Any set of channels with an instance of 1 or greater would connect to an entirely different Microsoft Exchange Server connection point and/or FirstClass Server connection point. This enables the FirstClass Connector to service multiple, unconnected Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server installations and/or multiple FirstClass Server installations.

Step 9: Configure the connection to Microsoft Exchange Server
81203_42521_14.png       Note
These steps must be repeated for each channel in the ESCON.CFG file.
Microsoft Exchange Server parameters that need to be known are listed below with sample values.
Configuration parameter: FirstClass Connector name
Sample: FirstClass Connector
Configuration parameter: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server name
Sample: SERVER1
Configuration parameter: Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server connector logon profile name
Sample: FirstClassConnectorProfile
Configuration parameter: Microsoft Exchange Server Address Book LDAP path  
Sample: ldap://MSXServer/cn=recipients,dc=opentext,dc=com (for example, is dc=opentext,dc=com)

Setting Microsoft Exchange Server as the DIR-SYNC source
SORC_NODE_NAME=FirstClass Connector
Setting Microsoft Exchange Server as the DIR-SYNC destination
DEST_NODE_NAME=FirstClass Connector
Setting Microsoft Exchange Server as the CONNECTOR source
SORC_NODE_NAME=FirstClass Connector
Setting Microsoft Exchange Server as the CONNECTOR destination
DEST_NODE_NAME=FirstClass Connector

Step 10: Configure the connection to FirstClass Server
81203_42521_14.png       Note
These steps must be repeated for each channel in the ESCON.CFG file.
The setup is same for either DIR-SYNC or CONNECTOR type channels.
FirstClass Server parameters that need to be known are listed below with sample values.
Configuration parameter: FirstClass Connector name
Sample: ExchangeConnector
Configuration parameter: FirstClass Connector user ID  
Sample: 500000000
Configuration parameter: FirstClass Connector object password
Sample: pass
Configuration parameter: FirstClass Server address/name
Sample: TANGO
Setting FirstClass Server as source (DIR-SYNC or CONNECTOR type channel)
Setting FirstClass Server as destination (DIR-SYNC or CONNECTOR type channel)

Step 11: Register the connector
Running as a Windows NT registered server
To register the FirstClass Connector for operation as a Windows NT registered server:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /RegServer
4       Start the FirstClass Connector by running escon.exe.
To unregister the server:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /UnregServer
Running as a Windows 2000 service
To register the FirstClass Connector for operation as a Windows 2000 service:
1       Copy the configuration file (ESCON.CFG) to the \WINNT\System32 directory, since this is the current system directory for all services.
2       Open the command prompt.
3       Navigate to the installation directory.
4       Type
escon /Service
5       Open the Services tab on the Windows Control Panel.
6       Select the service: FirstClass Sync Connector.
7       Click Startup.
8       Select This Account and input the account ID and password created for the connector service in Step 2.
9       Click Start service.
To unregister the connector service:
1       Open the command prompt.
2       Navigate to the installation directory.
3       Type
escon /UnregServer

Starting the connector
To launch the FirstClass Connector, click the FirstClass Connector icon:
When the FirstClass Connector application starts, you will see the FirstClass Connector console screen:
Double-click to enlarge:
This screen displays the current status of the application, synchronization results, and debugging information.
To force a full Directory synchronization from this screen choose Directory > Force Full Sync.
To increase or decrease the amount of information that displays on the console, choose Log Level and highlight one of the listed options: Quiet, Basic, Normal, Verbose, or Debug.

Connector monitor
The purpose of the connector monitor is to display the status of the synchronization.
To view the connector monitor, open the Enterprise Services folder on the FirstClass administrator’s Desktop, and double-click Connector Monitor.
Double-click to enlarge:

This screen indicates the number of active channels, the type of connector, the software version, the last time the FirstClass Connector was started, and displays the current status of any synchronization that is occurring. The Activity field indicates the current processing stage. If the field is blank, as in the above image, this means the FirstClass Connector is idle. The progress bar at the bottom of the screen will always be moving, to indicate the FirstClass Connector is still active.
There are also two buttons on this screen: Reset Monitor, which lets you reset the current values on the screen, and Full Dir-Sync, which forces a Directory synchronization.

Performing Directory synchronization
81203_40013_5.png        Warnings
•       A Directory synchronization takes time. The amount of time required depends on the speed of your machine and the amount of information to synchronize.
•       A synchronization cannot be halted once it has started.
Every time the FirstClass Connector is launched, it automatically performs a full Directory synchronization. To force a Directory synchronization at any time, choose Directory > Force Full Sync from the connector console, or click Full Dir-Sync from the connector monitor.
The console must always be running to maintain synchronization after the initial Dir Sync. When a change is made in FirstClass, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server is updated immediately. This is called incremental synchronization based on notifications from FirstClass. When a change is made in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, FirstClass is updated within a few minutes, based on a set timeframe (hardcoded number of minutes). This is called incremental synchronization based on polling Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. The is due to the difference in available incremental synchronization mechanisms between Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and FirstClass.
If the information is required immediately, you can force a full Directory synchronization, but see the Warnings above before you do this.

Understanding the log file
The log file ESCON.LOG is located in the same directory as the FirstClass Connector executable. This file is recreated every time the FirstClass Connector is started, and is automatically backed up at midnight by saving the current file as ESCON_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.LOG, where YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS represents year_month_day_hour_second.
 81203_42521_14.png       Note
If the FirstClass Connector is abnormally terminated (such as a power outage), you will need to rename, move, or copy the ESCON.LOG file before restarting the application, because the log file will not be automatically renamed from ESCON.LOG.
At startup, the entire configuration is written to the log file. There is a sample log file on your installation CD called SAMPLELOG.TXT.

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