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The file
The file resides in the same folder as the Internet Services executable file and is used to set some of Internet Services initial options at startup. It consists of two sections:  [Config] and [Debug].
The [Config] section
The [Config] section of the file can contain two switches:
Console = [-1 | 0 | 1]
Logging = [-1 |  0 | 1].
The Console switch is used to determine whether or not Internet Services displays a console when it is running. This option can only be set at startup. If you wish to change it, you must change the value of the switch and restart Internet Services.  
The Logging switch is used to determine whether or not Internet Services writes logging information, when it is running, to disk. Unlike the Console switch, this can be reconfigured while Internet Services is running using the Write log to disk button on the Control tab on the Internet Services Monitor form, or using the Service > Console To File menu on the Internet Services console (if Internet Services is showing a console).  
The Log to File and Console to File options are only temporary and will revert back to the default setting (as configured in the file) when you restart Internet Services.
There are three possible values for both the Console and the Logging switch:
•       (enabled)
•       0 (disabled)
•       -1 (use default).
The default value for each switch is determined by the which platform on which Internet Services is running and in what mode in which it is running. By default, the console is disabled when Internet Services is running as a Windows service or a Unix daemon. Otherwise, it is enabled.
Some Unix versions of Internet Services do not support a console. In this environment the switch is ignored (console is permanently disabled).
File logging is generally disabled when the console is enabled and enabled if the console is disabled.
The [Debug] section
The [Config] section of the file is used to set the initial levels for Internet Services Debugging. The debug keywords used in this file are prefixed by "DBG_". For example,
to set the initial level of HTTP server debug logging to 3 when Internet Services starts up, you would add this line to the [Debug] section of the
since the debug keyword for HTTP Server is ICHTTP.

Internet Services file logging
You can configure Internet Services to write logging information to disk, so that it can be reviewed at a later date. The Internet Services log file is called InetSvcs.log (Windows) or fcisd.log (Mac OS X). This file is stored in the same folder that holds the Internet Services executable.
Internet Services creates a new log file on startup and renames any old files as InetSvcs.OLD (Windows) or fcisd.old (Mac OS X). Any previous inetsvcs.old file is lost.
By default, the Internet Services file logging is disabled unless Internet Services is running without a console, if Internet Services is running on a platform that does not support one (some UNIX variants), or Internet Services is running as a Windows Service or Unix daemon, in which case it is ignored.
The log file can be enabled or disabled at startup using the file, or while Internet Services is running using either the Internet Services Monitor or the Internet Services Service menu on the Internet Services console.

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