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Rendering non-template documents
The Mime Types file can also be used to determine which non-template documents to render.
Typically, when a FirstClass web document is opened, a template is used to render it. However, you may want to create web pages using HTML, or some other markup language such as Extensible Markup Language (XML), to display content on your web site. Internet Services must have a way of sending these files to a browser without using templates. You can accomplish this by associating document extensions with specific file types.

Markup language documents
For HTML documents, you could enter this line of code in the Mime Types file:
This entry causes all files with an .html extension to be sent to the browser directly.

Non-standard extensions
If you have inherited HTML pages with a nonstandard extension that you want to maintain, for example .wws, you could enter this line of code in the Mime Types file:
This entry causes all files with a .wws extension to be sent to the browser directly.

Enabling browsers to identify non-html files
You can use the Mime Types file to enable browsers to identify non-html files and do something with them instead of just saving them to disk (for example, audio and video files). A typical entry might be:
audio/mp3<tab>"mp3 "<tab>????<tab>.mp3
audio is the file type
mp3 is the subtype of this file, "mp3 " is the Macintosh type (using less than four characters)
???? designates any browser
.mp3 is the filename extension.

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