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Before you can generate reports, you must set the necessary processing parameters. This section describes the Log Analyzer settings to adjust and reporting options you can enable before processing the statistics files.

Setting up single or multiple file processing
This section describes the steps you take to select whether the Log Analyzer will look at a single input file or multiple input files.
Setting up for a single input file
Follow these steps to process a single file:
1       Click Settings in the Log Analyzer main window.
2       Clear "Process Multiple Input Files (Folder Contents)" in "Log Type".
Setting up for multiple input files
Follow these steps to process multiple files:
1       Click Settings in the Log Analyzer main window.
2       Select "Process Multiple Input Files (Folder Contents)" in "Log Type".
        "Input Files Folder Location" will become editable.
3       Enter the statistics file storage folder location in "Input Files Folder Location", or click Browse to browse to the appropriate location on your client machine.

Setting the analysis parameters
Specify the types of information you want processed and reported by the Log Analyzer in the Detail Statistics window.
Click Settings from the Log Analyzer main window and go to the Analysis tab in Statistics Log.
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The statistics file processing time will increase with the number of items checked. Therefore, you should only select information that you need in your reports. Select "Users Activity" and "IP Address Activity" only when necessary, because these options will greatly increase the processing time.

Setting your processing preferences
Click Settings from the Log Analyzer main window and from there click Preferences, where you can:
•       Change report viewing options
        From the View tab, you can set the number of the most frequent users you want displayed in the report, and whether you want the report to be displayed immediately after processing or only by clicking View from the Log Analyzer main window.
•       Enable sound alerts
        From the Sounds tab, you can set the Log Analyzer to play a sound immediately after the report is generated or when a processing error occurs.
•       Enable IP-to-country data display
From the Load tab, you can set your reports to display the country for each user based on their IP address.
To use this option, you need to have an IP-to-country database in .CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format downloaded onto your client machine. IP-to-country databases are available over the Internet for purchase or free for non-commercial purposes.
The database file must be named "ip-to-country.csv" and stored in the same location as the Log Analyzer executable file. For the data display function to work, the fields in the file must be ordered as follows:
1       Beginning of IP address range
2       End of IP address range
3       Two-character country code (based on ISO 3166)
4       Three-character country code (based on ISO 3166)
5       Country name (based on ISO 3166)
If the fields are not in this order, open the file in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel, and manually switch the columns to the correct positions.

Generating external reports (optional)
In addition to reports displayed within the application itself, the Log Analyzer can also generate reports in an external file format. These files can be in HTML, .TXT, or .DOC format.
You can set the Log Analyzer to create external reports by following these steps:
1       Click Settings from the Log Analyzer main window.
2       Click Report.
3       Select "Create Report".
4       Select the output format (HTML, TEXT, or DOC) in "Report Output Format".
5       Set your visual preferences for your external report under "Image Pref".
6       Select the types of information you want displayed in your external report under "Report Information".
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Make sure the types you select here are also selected in the Detail Statistics window. If the information is not set to be processed, it will not be displayed.
7       Enter the intended destination folder for your external reports in "Report Output Location".
If you want to keep all the external reports you generate, select "Don't Overwrite Reports" under "Report Output Format". Otherwise, each report generated will be saved over the one of the same format before it.

Exclude filtering (optional)
Exclude filtering allows you to further refine your report by only viewing data on specific items, such as userids, operating systems, time, and date. This allows you to create specialized reports to suit your needs.
To enable Exclude filtering, follow these steps:
1       Click Settings from the Log Analyzer main window.
2       Click Filters.
3       Select "Enable Exclude Filtering".
4       Enter the filtering criteria.
5       If desired, click "Add Filter" to add additional filtering criteria.

Setting DiskUse reporting parameters
If you want to generate DiskUse reports, you can specify the types of users you want shown in DiskUse Log under "DiskUse Preferences". Choosing DiskUse at "Log Type" automatically brings up the DiskLog window.
If you want a separate list of users with the highest disk space usage, select "Show Top 10 Disk Space Users". To include administrators in the top ten list, select "Include Admin" as well.
If you want the report to only show users who have been granted special privileges, as specified in the disk use statistics file, select "Show Privileged Users Only".

Downloading the latest statistics files
You should download the latest statistics files from the server before processing. When downloading the statistics files from the server, the statistics files that are currently in the destination folder will be overwritten by default.
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If you wish to download only new statistics files, you should still overwrite the latest statistics file that you have on your Log Analyzer machine. For example, if your server has statistics files up to May 30th, and your Log Analyzer machine currently has files up to March 26th, you can skip downloading all the statistics files up to March 25th, but you should still choose to download the statistics file from March 26th in addition to the latest statistics files up to May 30th.

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