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Where resources reside and how the server accesses them
By default, the FirstClass server stores images, pictures, icons, forms, and help files for the client and Internet Services in the FirstClass Resource Registry. There are some exceptions for resources used in web templates, see Understanding Internet Services resources. FirstClass accesses resources by first looking in the Resource Registry (and the files it contains) and then in the local client executable.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
All images must have unique names and ID numbers.
Here is the structure of the FirstClass Resource Registry and what it contains:

English Resources
English Resources contains standard registration and licensing forms and is the repository for legacy client forms. If you are using a legacy client, place any new or customized forms in both English Resources file and in the lang.rez file.
Pictures.rez file
Pictures.rez contains standard and legacy pictures (Mac OS PICT files without an extension), you could not previously place in the Resource Registry. This file is generally maintained for backwards compatibility.
The Icons.rez file
Web icons and custom icons reside in the Icons.rez file. If you want to display the same icons in both the client and the web you must add them to your Icons.rez file.
The En.rez file
En.rez contains language strings, forms, and other resources not residing in any other resource file. On another language site, you would have a different lang.rez file located in the Resources Registry (for example, fr.rez (French) or es.rez (Spanish), or files for different dialects (for example, en-us). For information on how to create a resource file, see FirstClass Designer.
Previous versions of FirstClass used the English Resources (or localized equivalent) file. If some of your users continue to use clients from previous releases, you need to retain this file and keep it updated with your new resources. In addition, FirstClass will revert to this file if it cannot find the appropriate resource in the icons.rez, pictures.rez, or lang.rez files.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Internet Services does not use English Resources. If you want the same form to be displayed in both the client and on the web, make sure it is also in the en.rez file.

Putting resources on your server
To put customized resources on your server:
1       Incorporate the new resources with the ones in the upgrade installer if you are upgrading the post office, or create the appropriate file for the type of resources you want to upload.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Removing old resources without careful consideration could cripple the web interface.
2       Upload the file to the Multi-Site Setup/FC Resource Registry conference on the administrator's Desktop.
3       Protect the file.
Making server resources available to users
Resources stored in the FC Resource Registry are not available to users (for example, they do not show up in menus) until users do one of the following:
•       log in with a settings file that contains the resources
•       work with objects that use these resources
•       type the resource names in appropriate fields, such as an "Image" field.
As soon as a user works with an object that uses a resource stored in the FC Resource Registry, that resource is added to the user's settings file. Then the resource is available to the user, and will show up in the user's menus.
To force FirstClass to add these resources to users' settings files, you need to make objects that use these resources available to users. For example, you might:
•       post a message using a particular form to all users or to a conference
When users open this message, the form will be downloaded to their settings files.
•       add a folder containing other folders that use certain icons to a conference.
When users open the parent folder, the icons for the folders inside will be downloaded to their settings files.
If users cannot see resources
If someone sends a message using one version of a form, and the recipient has an older version of the form in their settings file, there may be inconsistencies when the form displays. Each user will see the form stored in their local settings file in the client.
To force FirstClass to use the new form, users can flush their caches. This removes forms and other resources from their settings files, allowing new resources to download as required.

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