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You can search containers for objects that contain specific text, or have attachments or histories that contain specific text. To do this:
1       Open the window you want to search.
2       Choose Edit > Find.
3       Fill in the find form.
Keep in mind that the more narrowly you focus the search, the more relevant the search results are likely to be.
The search summary window opens. As objects are found, they are listed in this window.
Some facts about searching:
•       the name of the object currently being searched is displayed in the top right corner of the search summary window
•       you can open items in the search summary window before the search finishes
•       searching takes place in the background; you can do other things in FirstClass during a search
•       FirstClass notifies you with a sound when the search is complete
•       you can cancel a search in progress by closing the search summary window.

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