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Changing object locations using the Info form
By default, a FirstClass object such as a message or document appears in the lower pane. A container appears in the upper pane. You can change the location of an object in a window by updating its properties.
Objects can be placed in the following locations in a window:
•       in the upper pane
•       in the lower pane
•       on the toolbar as a button
The button's tooltip displays the object's subject.
•       in the default location for that type of object.
This means, for example, that you can place an object that you want to be immediately accessible, like a "Rules for posting" document, in the upper pane.
To change the location of a selected object:
1       Open its properties.
2       Choose the location you want at "View".
You can move an object that was placed on the toolbar as a button by clicking the button to open the object, then opening the object's properties and changing the location.

Creating links on toolbars
To add a link to a FirstClass object to a toolbar, drag the target object to the toolbar.
To add a link to a web page to a toolbar, drag the icon beside the target web page's address field to the toolbar.
To see the URL for a link on a toolbar, press Control (Windows, Linux) or Option (Mac OS, Mac OS X) as you display the link's tooltip.

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