About the My Shared Documents folder
The My Shared Documents folder on your Desktop is the place to put objects that you want others to view using the FirstClass client.
You can also use the My Documents folder to store objects, but other users can't view these objects. My Documents is simply a private place for your own material, such as work in progress.
Don't move My Shared Documents off your Desktop, or it won't work properly. If you move this folder off your Desktop by mistake, you can move it back, and it will work again.
To open My Shared Documents, choose File > Open > My Shared Documents.
Creating content for My Shared Documents
To create content for My Shared Documents, you can:
• drag FirstClass folders, documents, and messages into this folder
• store links to containers by pressing Shift while you drag the containers to this folder
Other users must have access to these containers (they must be able to follow the same paths to the containers), and they must have permission to use the containers.
• upload files directly to this folder
• create documents directly in this folder.
Viewing others' shared documents
You can see the contents of another user's My Shared Documents folder by selecting that user in the Directory, then clicking Shared Documents.