FirstClass® Migrator for Lotus® Domino/Notes Client Guide (Version 2.0)
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FirstClass Migrator for Lotus Domino/Notes (FirstClass Migrator) is a utility designed to facilitate user migration from Domino/Notes to FirstClass. Using FirstClass Migrator, you can replicate private contacts, appointments, tasks, and other personal messaging information that is either stored on the remote Domino server or saved locally by the Notes client.
The migration process is as follows:
1 Install the FirstClass Migrator software package, which is generally prepared and distributed by your administrator.
2 Run FirstClass Migrator to select items you want to migrate.
3 Start the migration.
FirstClass Migrator will retain the original information hierarchical structure from the Notes databases, and put the contacts and calendar events in the respective FirstClass Address Book and Calendar folders.
Who should read this book
This book is intended for FirstClass users who will perform the migration on their personal messaging information.
What you will find in this book
This book describes how to install and use the client-side of FirstClass Migrator. It also lists the installation requirements.
This book does not document how to use FirstClass or Lotus Domino Server features. For that information, see our online help and applicable product documentation.
What you should already know
This book is intended for users who want to copy their Lotus Notes information into FirstClass format. We assume you are familiar with your Windows® operating system, Lotus Domino Server, and FirstClass functionality.
You can install FirstClass Migrator on any machine that has network connections with both the Lotus Domino Server and the FirstClass server.
Minimum installation requirements for FirstClass Migrator include:
• Windows 9x or up, Windows NT4 or up
• 64 MB RAM
• 100 MHz Pentium processor (233 MHz processor recommended)
• Lotus Notes 4.6 or higher version installed.
Installing FirstClass Migrator
The administrator will distribute a FirstClass Migrator software package to every Notes user who is migrating to FirstClass. The software package should consist of:
• the FirstClass Migrator application (fcnm.exe)
• user instructions (this document)
• a FirstClass Migrator license file
• a customized INI file (fcnm.ini).
When you receive your software package:
1 Create a new folder on your local hard drive and assign it a name you prefer.
If you have more than one hard drive, make sure you put it on the same drive as your Windows or WinNT folder (for example, C:\Windows or C:\WinNT).
2 Copy the FirstClass Migrator application, documentation, and the license file to this new folder.
3 Copy the INI file to the Windows folder (for example, C:\Windows or C:\WinNT).
If you receive an error saying that a Notes DLL file cannot be located, inform your administrator. This means that the PATH environment variable has to be set.
Before your users run FirstClass Migrator, verify that the proper Notes client installation directory (for example, C:\LOTUS\NOTES) is entered in the PATH environment variable for each user. If not, you will have to enter it manually. This tells FirstClass Migrator where to find the Notes Client runtime components.
Configuring FirstClass Migrator
Your administrator should customize most of the FirstClass Migrator settings in advance and put the corresponding INI file in the FirstClass Migrator package that he distributes to you. The only parameters you should have to provide are your login credentials to both the Notes and FirstClass servers.
However, if you find the customized configuration does not suit your needs, or you want more control over the migration process, you can adjust many FirstClass Migrator settings yourself.
You should not make changes unless you are familiar with the settings.
To configure FirstClass Migrator:
1 Start FirstClass Migrator without logging into Notes.
To start FirstClass Migrator, run the application (fcnm.exe) from the folder where you installed it.
If you are prompted for an access password, simply close the prompt window or click Cancel to bypass the login.
You may be prompted more than once if there are several address books or databases preset in the INI file.
2 Configure the application parameters using the Settings form.
To show the Settings Form, choose File > Settings, or click the corresponding toolbar button.
There are five tabs within the Settings Form:
General tab
• Log Level - Specify the Runtime Log level you prefer.
The application runtime log is used to record various information and events that occurred when FirstClass Migrator was run. There are four types of information that will be recorded in the Runtime Log:
• Text: Describes Runtime Log states.
• Info: Describes various application actions, migration tasks and the corresponding results.
• Error: Describes various exceptions or failures the application encountered.
• Warning: Describes various abnormal situations that may result in errors or malfunctions.
You can specify which information you would like the Runtime Log to record by selecting the corresponding log level in the settings form. There are four log levels you may choose from. Each of them will enable some log types while disabling the others.
• Quiet: Only Text will be logged.
• Basic: Both Text and Info will be logged.
• Normal: All information logged at Basic Level plus Errors.
• Detailed: All information supported.
Connection tab
Do not change these settings unless instructed by your administrator.
• Server Address - The IP address or network name of the FirstClass server you are migrating to.
• User ID - The user ID of your FirstClass account.
• License File - The filename of the FirstClass Migrator license file, which is in the FirstClass Migrator package. This field is read-only, and its value is preset by the administrator.
Lotus Notes
• Server Address - The address of the Domino server in the format "<server name>@<domain name>".
Address Books tab
• Local Address Books - Filenames of the local Notes address books you want to migrate.
• Remote Address Books - Filenames of the address books on the server you want to migrate.
You can find an address book's filename in its "Basics" database property page, and use the Add, Remove, and Remove All buttons to manipulate the list.
Databases tab
• Local Databases - Filenames of the local Notes databases you want to migrate.
• Remote Databases - Filenames of the Notes databases on the server you want to migrate.
You can find a database's filename in its "Basics" database property page, and use the Add, Remove, and Remove All buttons to manipulate the list.
Migration tab
• Target FirstClass Address Book - The FirstClass container into which the Notes Address Book entries will be duplicated. This field is read-only, and its value is preset by the administrator.
• Target FirstClass Database container - The FirstClass container (conference or folder) into which the Notes databases will be duplicated. If omitted, the default container "Desktop" will be used.
• Target FirstClass Calendar container - The FirstClass calendar container into which the Notes calendar events (including meetings and tasks) will be duplicated. This field is read-only, and its value is preset by the administrator.
3 Close FirstClass Migrator.
Any modification to the FirstClass Migrator settings will not take effect until you restart FirstClass Migrator.
Performing migration
Using FirstClass Migrator, you can selectively replicate your private contacts and personal messages from the Notes databases to your FirstClass account. You can choose any migration strategy (for example, one messaging folder each time, or all at once), and perform the migration as often as you want.
Since the FirstClass system usually imposes a maximum limitation on your FirstClass account size ("Disk Quota"), check your User Information Form or ask your administrator to make sure that your FirstClass account has enough disk space available to accommodate what you are migrating from Notes.
To migrate the desired Notes information:
STEP 1: Start FirstClass Migrator.
STEP 2: Select the information to migrate.
STEP 3: Migrate the information.
STEP 1: Start FirstClass Migrator
To start FirstClass Migrator, run the application (fcnm.exe) from the folder where you installed it.
You may be prompted for the access password to the user ID of the user you logged into Notes with last time. If the indicated user ID is not the one you want to use:
1 Close FirstClass Migrator.
2 Launch the Notes client.
3 Switch to the desired user ID.
4 Run FirstClass Migrator again.
You may be prompted more than once if there are several address books or databases preset in the INI file.
When FirstClass Migrator starts, you will see the following window displayed on the screen:
It consists of three views: Log View, Directory View and Message Database View. You can switch between them by clicking the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.
When you resize or reposition the main window, its size and position will be saved automatically, so the next time you run FirstClass Migrator, it will remember your settings.
Log View
The Log View is the default view when FirstClass Migrator starts (as seen in the above screen). It is simply a text list that shows you the current Runtime Log information.
Directory View
You can switch to the Directory View by choosing View > Directory View or clicking the toolbar button
![]() The Directory View displays the Notes address books specified in the Settings Form. It consists of three panes:
Address Book List
The left pane lists all of the Notes address books listed on the Address Books tab within the Settings Form. If a specified address book is opened successfully, the icon
![]() ![]() Content List
The top right pane lists the content of an address book when it is selected in the Address Book List. This is a multi-column list which consists of the following columns from left to right:
• Checkbox - Can be toggled on/off to indicate whether the current entry will migrate or not in the next migration process.
• Type - Various icons that represent different address book entry types (currently we only support the Contact entries in the private address books).
• Hidden - N/A.
• Name - The full name of the entry. It is in the format of "First_Name Initials Last_Name".
• Mail Address - N/A.
Property Information Sheet
The bottom-right pane displays an entry's properties when it is selected in the Content List.
Message Databases View
You can switch to the Message Database View by choosing View > Message Database View or clicking the toolbar button
![]() The Message Database View displays the Notes databases specified in the Settings Form. It consists of two panes:
Database List
The left pane is a tree view that shows all of the Notes databases listed on the Databases tab within the Settings Form. If a specified database or its subfolder/view opens successfully, the icon
![]() ![]() Content List
The right pane lists the contained messages within a subfolder/view when it is selected in the Database List. This is a multi-column list which consists of the following columns from left to right:
• Checkbox - Can be toggled on/off to indicate whether the current entry will migrate or not in the next migration process.
• Type - Various icons that represent different message types (currently, we only support plain messages (
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() • From - Sender name of the current message.
• Subject - Subject of the current message.
• Received - Received date/time of the current message.
• Migrated - The migration date/time of the current message if it has been migrated before.
STEP 2: Select the information to migrate
There is no internal restriction in FirstClass Migrator to prevent you from migrating a Notes object more than once. It is your responsibility to avoid duplicated migration. This issue is especially significant for message migration, since the messages within a database may appear in several subfolders/views simultaneously.
To select the contacts and messages that you want to migrate, click the checkbox preceding each entry in the Directory View and Database View.
Use the special Windows key combinations to select a group of entries at once, and then choose Check/Uncheck from the menu or click the Check
![]() ![]() STEP 3: Migrate the information
A progress indicator on the status bar will track the migration progress.
You can abort the migration process at any time by choosing Abort from the menu, or clicking the toolbar button
![]() When the migration is completed:
2 Log into your FirstClass account using the FirstClass client.
Check the migrated FirstClass objects. If there are any unexpected results, you can turn to FirstClass Migrator and look for more information in the Runtime Log to see what occurred. Once any issues are addressed, you can migrate any failed Notes objects again.
• Each time FirstClass Migrator completes a migration process, it refreshes the Directory View and the Database View by reloading all of the Lotus Notes information. This means that all custom settings will be lost.
• You have to click OK after typing the password. Pressing Enter may not suffice.
• FirstClass Migrator does not support Notes Mail Group objects migration yet.
• All double quotation marks (") within the message subject and recipient addresses will be replaced with single quotation marks (').
• Only part of the Contact information is currently migrated. This will be addressed in a later release. The information that will is currently migrated includes: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email, Office Phone, Office Fax, and Business address.
• After migrating Tasks/To-Do, the time values may be inaccurate. However, the date value will be accurate.
Q: Why did I get the error message "nNotes.dll was not found" when I tried to run the Migrator?
A: The system was unable to locate the Notes runtime components required by FirstClass Migrator. Report this to your administrator. He needs to make sure the Notes Client installation directory ("C:\LOTUS\NOTES") is in the PATH environment variable.
Q: Why aren't the fields in the Settings Form filled in?
A: Verify that the INI file (fcnm.ini) in your FirstClass Migrator package was copied into the Windows directory (C:\Windows or C:\WinNT).
Q: FirstClass Migrator returned the error "Failed to retrieve the FPP password".
A: Make sure the proper Migrator license file is in the FirstClass Migrator package directory.
Q: I cannot open a database I specified in the Settings Form, but I can access it through Notes.
A: First, make sure its filename specified in the Settings Form is correct and in the proper list (local or remote). Second, make sure you are using the proper Notes user ID to access it in FirstClass Migrator.