Using the POMigrator
What is the POMigrator?
The POMigrator is used to migrate network store files between platforms, or to merge volumes of a multi-volume network store on the same platform.
The POMigrator is not a repair tool. It cannot find or fix network store problems caused by the OS file system, such as unexpected end-of-file errors or corrupted data within files.
If your server crashes mysteriously or often, or if you have any reason to suspect that the network store data is corrupt, you should not perform a network store migration until the existing system is working properly. Trying to migrate bad data to a new network store structure can only make your system's problems worse.
Who should read this guide
This document is meant for experienced FirstClass administrators who already understand the FirstClass software (described in FirstClass Administrator's Guide Business Edition/Education Edition and our online help). It describes how the POMigrator works, how to prepare for and perform the migration, and how to set up
the new FirstClass server.
If you are migrating to Mac OS X, see FirstClass 7.1 for Mac OS X Administrator's Guide for additional migration information.
Limitations of the POMigrator when used to change platforms
The POMigrator performs most of the difficult migration tasks for you, but the following items will not be migrated automatically. After the migration, these items may need to be corrected, recreated, reinstalled, or restored from backup:
• read-only volumes
• external links to hard disks or CD-ROM files
• database extensions
• modem definition files
• modem, network, or Comm Toolbox (CTB) sessions
• multiple servers (cannot migrate multiple servers at once, or merge multiple servers into one)
• statistics log path
Before you start
You need:
• a licensed FirstClass 7.1 network store
• a FirstClass server running free of errors
• a machine that meets the FirstClass system requirements and has enough disk space for the migrated network store
• FirstClass Business Edition/Education Edition software (do not install FirstClass until after the migration is complete)
• the POMigrator software
Installing the POMigrator
Double-click the Install POMigrator icon. It creates the POMigrator folder, which contains the application and other items.
The POMigrator application should be on the same volume as your primary network store. If necessary, drag the application to the primary volume.
Preparing the server
Once the POMigrator software has been installed, complete the following steps to make sure the server is ready for the migration process.
You could lose data if you aren't careful about the preparation.
1 Ensure the following:
• The POMigrator is installed on the same volume as your primary network store.
• File sharing is disabled (for Mac OS only).
• Your server starts without errors.
• There is sufficient memory to perform the migration.
2 Log into FirstClass as admin and do the following:
• Create a new folder on the administrator's Desktop called Migrated Conferences.
• Approve any volume containing FirstClass network store files.
• Clear out any unneeded items on your FirstClass system.
3 Log out. (There should be no users logged into your system from this point on.)
4 Perform a trash collection from the server console.
5 Shut down the FirstClass server.
6 Run Diagnostics (see FirstClass Tools Reference) and fix any errors found.
Repeat this step until Diagnostics runs without any errors.
7 Perform a full backup of your network store, including all approved volumes.
8 Recommended
Check the data on approved source volumes with a hard disk diagnostic and repair utility (such as Norton Utilities).
Migration strategies
There are several ways that you can perform the migration so that the network store structure ends up on the destination machine.
• If you have enough disk space, migrate to a destination volume on your current machine, then transfer the network store to the new platform over a network.
• Migrate to a destination volume on an intermediate file server, then copy the network store to the new machine.
• Migrate directly to the new volume.
After deciding on a migration option, set up the destination platform's operating system in the way that best suits your needs.
Running the migration
If you miss any of the preparation steps, the migration will not complete successfully. You cannot abort the migration process cleanly once it has begun. Do not run the POMigrator application unless you have understood all of the previous instructions, and you are sure you have completed all of the steps in order.
The network store migration can take a long time. For example, migrating a network store with 120,000 files can take from six to eight hours.
Close all other applications. Turn off file sharing (Mac OS only) and turn off as many extensions as possible.
1 Double-click the POMigrator icon to run the POMigrator application.
2 Click Continue at the Welcome screen.
3 Choose the platform to which you want to migrate. The default is to merge network store volumes on your current platform.
4 The volume mapper dialog appears.
Each source volume listed on the left migrates to the destination volume you choose on the right. Whether you migrate directly to a new machine or to an intermediate volume, make sure it has enough space; the migrated network store folder will be about the same size as the original network store folder, but a merged network store folder may be significantly larger.
5 Once the volumes are mapped, click OK. The POMigrator progress window and status bar display the progress of the migration.
When the Exit POMigrator dialog appears, click OK to complete the migration.
6 Check the POMigrator log file (POM.Log in the same folder as the POMigrator) for errors.
7 Back up the migrated network store.
This must be done before installing and starting the server for the first time.
Setting up the new server
Once you have performed the migration and done the backup, set up your new server:
1 If necessary, copy the new network store to the machine that will be the FirstClass server.
2 Install the FirstClass server.
The installer will automatically detect that you have an existing network store.
Click OK and select the option to use the existing network store.
4 If you log daily server statistics in the Reports folder (Statistics and Billing folder on legacy systems), you have to modify the path to the statistics log on the Statistics Control Form after the migration.
5 Start the server.
6 Move all conferences in the Migrated Conferences folder to their logical locations and delete the Migrated Conferences folder.
This section lists some problems you might encounter, and suggests solutions for them.
Missing volumes
If you run the POMigrator without mounting all approved volumes, an error message appears. If this occurs, mount the additional volumes and run the POMigrator again. You should also run a trash collection if you have recently moved or renamed any volumes.
Disk space issues
After you map the volumes and click OK, the POMigrator adds up the disk space used on each source volume and checks that there is enough room on each destination volume.
• If a volume is on a network drive, the amount of disk space cannot be determined.
• If the source volume contains other files in addition to the FirstClass network store, the POMigrator includes these files when estimating the space required on the destination volume.
If you see an error for either of these reasons, check the amount of free disk space yourself. Remember that the migrated network store folder will be about the same size as the original network store folder, but a merged network store folder may be significantly larger.
Numerous errors
A few errors may show up in the POMigrator log file if network store links were broken, or if another type of file was stored in the network store folder. However, if you have a high number of errors (over 2% of files), check that your destination volume did not run out of space during the migration. If you lost data for this reason, just make more space available, then run the migration again.
Mismatched file counts
Your log file might show that the number of items migrated is lower than the initial count. This is not a problem; it happens because some items in the Server folder don’t need to be migrated (such as modem files, log files, or files that aren’t FirstClass files).
Server crash at first trash collection
If the new server crashes the first time a trash collection occurs, there was probably corrupt data in your network store before migration. You must rectify this on the original machine and then start the migration process again.