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Organizational units considerations with Voice Services
Before attempting to configure Voice Services with organizational units (OUs), you should have a firm understanding of how OUs work in a FirstClass system. The basics of how the FirstClass server uses and defines OUs and how, as administrator, you set these up are explained in the FirstClass Administrator's Guide (Business Edition/Education Edition) and in User groups and organizational units.
Once you understand the concepts and functions of OUs, you can apply them to Voice Services. Used correctly,  OUs can enhance and greatly expand how you use your FirstClass Unified Communications system.
The FirstClass server will determine how VS works based on the following hierarchy:
•       Anything set at an OU level will override the same field set on the Voice Services Administration form.
•       The settings on a user's primary OU will override higher-level OU settings.
•       If a user belongs to two OUs at the primary level, the order in which these OUs are listed on the User Groups tab of the User Information form determines which OU settings will be used. The one closest to the top of the list will be used.
•       Users' personal preferences will override his primary OU settings.
For example:
•       The system default TUI setting on the Voice Services Administration form is Octel.
•       The primary OU default TUI setting is Centigram.
•       The user chooses Meridian TUI on her Preferences form.
•       The TUI that plays for that user will be Meridian.
•       The TUI that plays for another member of her OU who has not customized his settings will be Centigram.
•       The TUI that plays for a user who is not a member of that OU is Octel.
Most of the settings you will need to set when using OUs are on the Services tab of the Group Privileges form. The form help explains how to configure the fields and explains any special requirements or special circumstances for contents in these fields.

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