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Creating calendars
You can create group, resource, and location calendars just as your administrator does. If you have trouble getting your calendars to work as you expect, contact your administrator.
To create a public calendar:
1       Open the container where you want the calendar.
2       Choose File > New, then the appropriate type of calendar.
The new calendar opens.
3       Open the calendar's properties, then type the calendar name at "Name".
You can update other information on the Info form, if desired.
81203_42521_14.png        Shortcut
To name the calendar without opening the Info form, click the name of the new calendar icon twice to make it editable, type the calendar name, then press Tab.
4       Set calendar permissions.
81203_42935_18.png        Tip
You can also change permissions for your personal calendar, if you want to change the expiry period for items in your calendar, give other users more or less permission to use your calendar than is normally allowed, or subscribe other users so that your calendar appears on their Desktops.

Setting calendar permissions
To specify the permissions for your calendar:
1       Select or open the calendar.
2       Choose Collaborate > Permissions.
3       Update the Permissions form.
Your changes are saved automatically when you close this form.

Providing information about calendars
You can provide other users with information about a calendar by creating a résumé for it. To do this:
1       Choose Collaborate > Permissions with the calendar open or selected.
2       Click About.
3       Update the Personal Address form.
Your changes are saved automatically when you close this form.
To see calendar information, users can select your calendar, then choose Collaborate > About Conference.

Updating calendars' Directory entries
A calendar's Directory entry shows you information that includes the calendar location and whether it can be viewed when users see Directory lists. You can update certain calendar information. To do this:
1       Choose Collaborate > Permissions with the calendar open or selected.
2       Click Directory.
3       Update the Directory Information form.

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