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Monitoring system usage
The Server Monitor provides information about how your system is performing by displaying what tasks the server is currently running, the current load on your hardware, and a summary of what has happened since the server was last restarted. To view the Server Monitor, open the Core Services folder on the administrator's Desktop. The Server Monitor also provides information about FirstClass services and mirrored volumes.
The Session Monitor is a real-time online display showing the names of logged-in users and what they are doing. To view the Session Monitor, choose Admin > Session Monitor, or open the Core Services folder on the administrator's Desktop. Some tasks you can perform from this window are logging off users, viewing users' Desktops, or viewing users' résumés.

Disk use statistics
When FirstClass performs an audit, it produces a Disk Usage report. This report records how much hard disk space is used by each of your users. A Disk Usage report is named DiskUse.txt.
If audit does not run to completion (it reaches the scheduled end time before auditing all items in the network store), a diskuse.tmp file will be created. This file will be appended during the subsequent audit(s) until the entire network store has been audited. It will then be named diskuse.txt.
You can view a disk use statistics file using FirstClass or a text editor, or import it into a spreadsheet (see your spreadsheet program documentation for details).
The report contains a one-line entry for each user, with the following information:
•       first column - the user's unique user ID
•       second column - the name of the volume on which the user account is registered
•       third column - the total space
For performance reasons, FirstClass no longer maintains this field. For backward compatibility with log analysis programs, this field remains, but is always zero.
•       fourth column - the total number of files
For performance reasons, FirstClass no longer maintains this field. For backward compatibility with log analysis programs, this field remains, but is always zero.
•       fifth column - the total referenced space
The total size, in kilobytes, of incoming and outgoing messages, documents, and uploaded files in the user's Mailbox and folders.
•       sixth column - the total referenced files
The total number of incoming and outgoing messages, documents, and uploaded files in the user's Mailbox and folders.
•       seventh column - the user's privileges
Special privileges granted to the user. This field can contain one or more of the following:
A - administrator (or subadministrator)
E - edit user information
U - view unlisted
V - view user information.
Viewing a Disk Usage file using FirstClass
To view a Disk Usage report while you are logged into FirstClass:
1       Open the Reports folder on the administrator's Desktop.
2       Open the the Statistics Folder.
3       Hold down the shift key and double-click DiskUse.txt.
Viewing a Disk Usage file using a text editor
To view a Disk Usage report when you are not logged into FirstClass:
1       Open the FCNS folder (Windows) or fcns folder (Mac OS X) on your hard drive.
2       Open the Stats.dir folder.
3       Download the DiskUse.txt file to your computer.
4       Open the downloaded copy of DiskUse.txt.

Releasing disk space
In your System Profile, you can configure the minimum free disk space required on each volume on your server. When the amount of free disk space on a volume is less than or equal to this amount, the server refuses to accept messages from users or gateways on that volume.
There are several ways you can free up space:
•       Use the Disk Usage report to identify users who are using excessive space. Ask these users to clean out their Mailboxes.
•       Set disk usage quotas on the Group Privileges form (for groups of users), or on a user's User Information form (for individual users).
•       Look for and delete files with large attachments (remove and delete the attachments before deleting the files).
•       Make sure all aliases of a deleted item are also deleted. The space an item takes up is recovered only when all copies are deleted. Deleting a large file recovers no space unless the alias is also deleted from the sender's Mailbox (and from the Mailboxes of all other recipients).
•       Decrease the expiry period on the System Profile form or on the Permissions forms of your busiest conferences.
•       Delete old statistics and log files. We suggest that you back up these files before you delete them, in case you need to troubleshoot a recurring problem.
In Mac OS X, the statistics files are located in fcns\stats.dir. The log files are located in fcns\logfiles.
In Windows, the statistics files are located in FCNS/STATS.DIR. The log files are located in FCNS/LOGFILES.
To recover freed disk space, trash collection must be run after files are deleted. You can force a trash collection immediately, or wait until the next scheduled trash collection takes place.

User statistics
FirstClass lets you collect selected user activity statistics. By default, each record contains user ID, time, and date fields, plus other fields specific for the record type. A user statistics file is named either yymmdd  or yymmddI where yymmdd is the date the log file was created and 'I' at the end of the date signifies the file is for Internet user statistics only. This file is updated daily at midnight. If the server is not running at midnight, the new daily file will begin when the server is restarted.  
Creating customized user statistics reports
1       On the administrator's Desktop, open the Reports folder.
2       Double-click the Statistics Control form.
3       Complete the fields.
4       In the Journaling control section, select the actions you want to record in the user statistics file (see User activities in the Journaling section).
        The number of actions you select and the activity level on your FirstClass system determines the size of your statistics file.
5       Close the form and save your changes.
Viewing a user statistics file
1       Open the folder you specified in the "Statistics folder path" field on the Statistics Control form.
2       Open any of the files that you wish to view.
        The files open in TextEdit (Mac OS X) or Notepad (Windows).
The user statistics file format
A user statistics file consist of fields that are separated by the delimiter you specified on the Statistics Control form.
These are the common field types that can be applied to each record:
•       the user ID (userID) of the user performing the action
•       the date (date) the action was performed, in the format ddmmyy
•       the time (time) the action was performed, in the format hh:mm:ss am|pm
•       the IP address (IP address) of the computer where the action was performed
•       the user's primary organizational unit (OU)
•       the unique file ID (fileID) of the file or folder being processed.
FirstClass uses file IDs to access the files and folders on a volume
•       the client ID (clientID)of the user performing the action.
FirstClass assigns a unique client ID to each user. The client ID is never assigned to another user.
•       the message ID (messageID) of the message being processed
        Every message in FirstClass has a unique message ID.
•       the name of the object (obj name) being processed
•       the type of object (obj type) being processed
•       the parent object (parent obj) of the object being processed
        An example of this is a conference item's parent object would be the conference.
•       the file size (in bytes) (file size) of the object being processed.
•       the IP address (if selected) of the client machine where the action was performed.
•       the primary organizational unit (OU) (if selected) of the user performing the action.
User activities in the Journaling section
•       AddUser
Action that generates this record:
A user is added with the Admin > Add New User command.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Add, Del, Change User
Record format:
AddUser, user ID, date, time, IP address, OU, new user ID, last name, first name, initial, client ID
•       ApplyModel
Action that generates this record:
A user group's Model Desktop is updated and the remodel is applied to its members.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Record format:
ApplyModel, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, priv group name
•       Approve
Action that generates this record:
A user approves or unapproves an object.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Approve Items
Record format:
Approve, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, approved, conference, messageID, fileID
where approved can be zero (approved) or 1 (unapproved)
•       Attach
Action that generates this record:
A file is successfully attached to a message.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Record format:
Attach, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, filename, file size, messageID
•       ChangeUser
Action that generates this record:
A user information form is changed.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Add/Del/Change user
Record format:
ChangeUser, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, changed userID
•       Close
Action that generates this record:
An object (such as a message, folder, or conference) is closed.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Object open
Record format:
Close, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, type, name, parent obj
•       CommLinkFail
Action that generates this record:
A client/server link is broken. A logout record is generated at the same time. Use this record to identify modem or TCP problems.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Comm link failure, Modem carrier loss
Record format:
CommLinkFail, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, session number
•       ConfDelivery
Action that generates this record:
An item is sent to a conference.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Delivery to conference
Record format:
ConfDelivery, server, date, time, IP address, OU, conference name, from name, subject, messageID
where conference name is the name of the conference to which the item was delivered, and from name is the name of the system on which the item originated (for items received from a gateway)
•       ConfItemDel
Action that generates this record:
An item is deleted from a conference.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Conference item delete
Record format:
ConfItemDel, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, subject, messageID, fileID
•       ConfPermissions
Action that generates this record:
A user views the permissions of a conference.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Conf. permissions, Edit conf. permissions
Record format:
ConfPermissions, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, obj name, fileID
•       ConfSubscribe
Action that generates this record:
A user is granted a subscription to a conference.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Conference subscribe
Record format:
ConfSubscribe, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, obj type, obj name, subscribed user ID
•       Control
Action that generates this record:
A Control menu command is chosen from the Admin menu.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Record format:
Control, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, control command, success
where success can have the value zero (successful) or Error 1030 (Access Denied)
•       Create
Action that generates this record:
An object (such as a message, conference, or folder) is created.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Message create, Conf. create/delete
Record format:
Create, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, obj type, parent obj, fileID
•       DeleteUser
Action that generates this record:
A user account is deleted with the Admin > Delete User command.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Add/Del/Change user
Record format:
DeleteUser, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, deleted userID
•       Directory
Action that generates this record:
A user searches the Directory.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Directory search
Record format:
Directory, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, pattern
•       Download
Action that generates this record:
A user downloads, from a conference, a file that is not attached to a message.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Download/Save attach
Record format:
Download, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, filename, messageID, fileID
•       GetInfo
Action that generates this record:
A user chooses File > Get Info (Mac OS/Mac OS X) or Properties (Windows) to display information about an object.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Get info
Record format:
GetInfo, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, obj name, fileID
•       History
Action that generates this record:
A user displays the history of a message.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
View history
Record format:
History, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, subject, messageID, fileID
•       Login
Action that generates this record:
A user logs in.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Session (login/logout), Gateways
Record format:
Login, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, interface, platform, link type, session #, modem speed, client version, protocol, network address
interface can be GUI, CLUI, or Gateway
platform can be Mac OS, Windows, DOS, or VT100
link type can be Serial or LAN
client version can be 7000 (version 7.0) and so on
protocol can be AppleTalk, IPX, TCP/IP, or Local
Network address can be:
•       network.node.socket in decimal (for example, 2.56.235) (AppleTalk)
•       network.node.socket in hexadecimal (for example, 000000D3.00-C2-EE-00-01-34.4032) (IPX)
•       IP address in dot format (for example, (TCP/IP)
•       Logout
Action that generates this record:
The server terminates a session, either because the user has logged off or the user's time has expired.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Session (login/logout)
Record format:
Logout, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, seconds since login
•       MsgDelete
Action that generates this record:
A user deletes a message from his or her Mailbox.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Message delete
Record format:
MsgDelete, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, subject, messageID, fileID
•       MsgDelivery
Action that generates this record:
A message is delivered to a gateway or a user's Mailbox.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Delivery to Mailbox
Record format:
MsgDelivery, server, date, time, IP address, OU, to, from, subject, messageID
•       MsgForward
Action that generates this record:
A user forwards a message. Autoforwarded messages do not generate MsgForward records.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Message forward
Record format:
MsgForward, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, subject, messageID, fileID
•       MsgReply
Action that generates this record:
A user replies to a message. Autoreplied messages do not generate MsgReply records.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Message reply
Record format:
MsgReply, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, subject, messageID, fileID
•       Open
Action that generates this record:
An object (such as a message, conference, or folder) is opened.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
object open, Private chatting, Public chatting
Record format:
Open, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, obj type, obj name, fileID
•       OpenDeskTop
Action that generates this record:
The administrator opens a user's Desktop.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Open user Desktop
Record format:
OpenDeskTop, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, opened userID
•       Password
Action that generates this record:
A user tries to change his or her password.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Password change
Record format:
Password, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, success
where success can have the value 1030 (Access Denied), 1035 (Password Incorrect), or 0 (Successfully Changed)
•       Résumés
Action that generates this record:
A user looks at a résumé or user information form.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
View résumés, View conference info
Record format:
Résumé, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, whose résumé, clientID, type
where type can be zero (résumé) or 1 (user information form)
•       SaveAttach
Action that generates this record:
A user saves a file attached to a message.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Download/Save attach
Record format:
SaveAttach, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, attachment name, file size, messageID
•       Search
Action that generates this record:
A user performs a search.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Record format:
Search, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, parent obj, search string, flags, number of hits, duration in seconds
where flags indicates the checkboxes selected on the search form
•       Upload
Action that generates this record:
A user uploads, to a conference, a file that is not attached to a message.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Record format:
Upload, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, filename, file size, fileID
•       WhosOnline
Action that generates this record:
A user chooses Collaborate > Who's Online.
Checkboxes that generate this record:
Who's online
Record format:
WhosOnline, userID, date, time, IP address, OU, search pattern
where search pattern is always empty

Server statistics
The server statistics file (Stats.txt) is a cumulative summary of all server events that have occurred since the server was first installed. This file is updated daily at midnight. If the server is not running at midnight, the new daily file will begin when the server is restarted.  
You can view a server statistics file using FirstClass or a text editor (see Disk use statistics), or import it into a spreadsheet (see spreadsheet program documentation for details).
The server statistics file is presented in standard, comma-delimited format, and contains the following information:
•       Remote user statistics
Total Logins            number of logins
Total Opens             number of windows opened
Total Closes            number of windows closed
Total Creates           number of messages and files created
Total Submits           number of messages sent
Total DirSearches       number of times the Directory was searched
Total Timeouts          number of sessions that ended because the daily time limit was exceeded
Total Failed UIs        number of sessions that ended because of link failures
Bytes Uploaded  number of bytes transferred to the server (uploaded files and attachments)
Bytes Downloaded        number of bytes transferred from the server (downloaded files and attachments)
Total Connect           total time all users were connected
•       Network user statistics
The same statistics types for regular users as described for remote users.
•       CLUI statistics
The same statistics types for terminal, terminal emulation, and Telnet users as described for remote users.
•       Server statistics
Server totals:
Total Deliveries        number of messages delivered
Recoveries                      number of server recoveries (from power failures, and so on)
Users Added             number of user accounts added
Users Deleted           number of user accounts deleted
Rejected Sessions       number of times users could not connect because all sessions were in use.
If this number is high, you might consider purchasing additional sessions.
Auto-registers          number of autoregistrations
Write Protects          number of times the server entered write-protect mode because of a lack of disk space or an excessive number of files.
If this number is high, consider moving your FirstClass system to a volume with a larger storage capacity.
Resetting server statistics
To reset server statistics counters, delete the Stats.txt file.
Deleting server statistics files
You should delete statistics files regularly to maintain disk space availability. However, we suggest you back up these files before deleting them in case you need them later to troubleshoot an ongoing problem.
Do not delete a statistics file unless you wish to reset the server statistics counters.

Daily log files
FirstClass creates a log file of the console activities for each day that the server is active. Log files are named yymmdd.txt, where yymmdd signifies the date the log file was created. This file is updated daily at midnight. If the server is not running at midnight, the new daily file will begin when the server is restarted.  
Viewing log files
To open a log file while logged into FirstClass:
1       Open Reports > Log Files on the administrator's Desktop.
2       Open the log file for the appropriate date.
The report opens in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac OS X).
To open a log file while logged off of FirstClass:
1       Open the FCNS folder (Windows) or fcns folder (Mac OS).
2       Open the Logfiles folder.
3       Open the log file for the appropriate date.
The report opens in TextEdit (Mac OS X) or Notepad (Windows).
Deleting log files
You should delete server log files regularly to maintain disk space availability. We suggest that you back up these files before deleting them in case you need them later to troubleshoot an ongoing problem.
If you don't want to write the console logs to file, clear this option on your server console window or delete the Logfiles folder from your hard drive. Never delete the Logfiles folder from the administrator's Desktop.

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