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Creating blogs
A blog is an online diary to which you add dated entries. You first create a blog to hold your blog entries, then you create blog entries inside it.
To create a blog for your web site:
1 Open Web Publishing.
2 Open the folder in which you want your blog, if necessary.
3 Choose New Web Page from the Create field.
4 Select Blog.
5 Click Preview Web Object, then navigate to your blog, to see its default appearance.
6 Change the appearance, if desired.
Choose Select Web Skin at Appearance with the blog opened, then select the template you want your blog to use. You can view your choice by clicking Preview Web Object.
7 Change the default blog name, if desired.
Select the blog, then choose Rename from the context menu.

How others can access your blog
FirstClass blogs support RSS feed readers, so others can subscribe to your blog. FirstClass RSS support adds these objects to your blog page when it is viewed in your web site:
• a subscribe button
People who have a browser that displays this button can simply click it to subscribe to your blog.
• an XML button.
People who have a browser that can't display the subscribe button can hover their cursor over the XML button. This displays the URL to use for accessing your blog with their RSS reader.

How others see your blog
Blog entries are listed in reverse chronological order. The most recent entry is highlighted, and includes links that let users add a comment and read any existing comments. Readers must be able to log into your server in order to comment.
Clicking the More link on another entry makes that the active entry, and reveals the comments links.
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Comments are shown as replies in the blog when you are in your Web Publishing folder.

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