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Types of links
A link is an object that you click or double-click to open another FirstClass object or a web page. You can create the following types of links:

links in containers
links to your own server
Provide shortcuts to objects on your own server. You can create them on your Desktop or in other containers.
links to other servers or web pages
Provide shortcuts to objects on other FirstClass servers or to web pages. You can create them on your Desktop or in other containers.
Either links to your own server or to other servers or web pages.
The only thing that differentiates bookmarks from the other types of links in containers is that they are created in your Bookmarks folder. You can also move the other types of container links into your Bookmarks folder for convenience.
links on toolbars
Either links to your own server or to other servers or web pages.
links in content
There are two types of links that you can add to content:
URL links
Shortcuts to objects on your own server, to objects on other FirstClass servers, or to web pages.
You type the URL for the object to which the link connects (the target object) directly in the content.
embedded links
Shortcuts to objects on your own or other FirstClass servers, or to another location in the current object.
You create these links using the Edit menu. You can make the link text anything you want, or even use embedded pictures as links, unlike URL links. You can also embed markers in content and link to those markers.

Renaming or deleting links
You can rename or delete a link, and this will have no effect on the original object.

Locating a link's target Doesn't apply to links in content.
To find out where a link's target (the object to which the link points) is located, open the link's properties. The path to the target is displayed at "URL".

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