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Where am I?

Welcome to FirstClass. This is your FirstClass Desktop. It's your starting point, containing the FirstClass applications and other containers to which you have access.

What can I do here?

Open and close panes
You can see all of these objects in the main pane on the right of your screen. If you open the navigation pane to the left, you will also see them in the tree view. The applications also have launch buttons at the bottom of the navigation pane.
To open or close the navigation pane, click
To see a reading pane that displays the contents of an open object, click
Click this button again to move the position of the reading pane, and once more to close it.
Open objects
To open a Desktop object, you can:
       double-click it in the main pane
       click it in the tree view
       click an application's launch button.
Launch FirstClass applications
These objects on your Desktop and in the navigation pane are the FirstClass applications:

Messages sent to you privately arrive in your Mailbox.
Your personal calendar. Others can invite you to events and check your availability through this calendar.
Your personal contacts information. You can also create mail lists here.
Any public conferences to which your administrator has given you access.
Any Open Text Social Media (OTSM) communities to which you belong.
If you use OTSM as well as FirstClass, you can access your OTSM communities from your FirstClass Desktop. They will open in your web browser.
Instant Messaging
A forum for real-time, online chats with others who are online.
Areas where everyone who belongs to a workgroup can communicate and share resources.
An area optimized for document creation and storage.
Web Publishing
Lets you create your own web site, and view it as you go, right from the client.
File Storage
An area optimized for storing uploaded files.
A place to store all your links to other FirstClass objects and web pages.

Is there more?

There's more information about your Desktop, and all of FirstClass, in our online help. To see a list of help contents, click here. You can also choose Help > Contents at any time, and open Client Help.

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