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Form tabs

Use this form to configure a gateway.
What you need before you start
•       You need the server serial number of the server you will be connecting to (this is the remote server). This number is displayed on the Server tab of the System Profile.
•       You need to give your server serial number to the administrator of the remote server.
•       You need to find out the site name of the remote server. This is the name set on the Server tab of the System Profile.
•       You need to give your site name to the administrator of the remote server.
•       You need to decide whether to use a specific password or have FirstClass generate a password for the gateways (both sites must use the same gateway password).
•       You need to decide how you are going to connect.
•       Based on your connection decision, you need to get connection information.
•       You need to decide what schedule you want to have for gateway connections.
•       You need to decide how much information in your Directory you want to share with the remote site.
With this information in hand, you are ready to create a new gateway.

Directory button
Opens the Gateway Directory Information form. Use this form to set the gateway password and add other Directory information.
Permissions button
Opens the Permissions form. Use this form to set the gateway permissions that will control access to this gateway.
Connect on Close button
Forces a connection when you close this form. Use this in conjunction with the Manual Sync button on the Multisite tab.

Main tab
Use this tab to enter basic information about the server-to-server gateway.

Gateway name
The site name of the remote server.
Remote server serial number
Obtain from the administrator of the remote server. This number is used as the user ID of the gateway account.
Password change pending
If the administrator changes the outbound password on the form, the gateway will automatically handle the change password procedure on the next login to the remote site. There is no need to login as the gateway or request that the remote site administrator change the remote password.
To avoid problems with open gateway accounts the gateway form will automatically generate a secure password if one is not supplied by the administrator. This utility is called the Gateway Secure Password Generator.
You can force a password change to a secured password by simply deleting the current password. The server will generate a password and automatically configure the remote gateway account on the next login.

Connection tab
Use this tab to enter the connection information and provide the configuration information for the gateway.

Connect via
The method by which the gateway will connect to the remote server:
•       AppleTalk
over an AppleTalk network
•       Modem
using a modem
•       Serial
using a serial cable
•       TCP-IP
over the Internet or a local intranet
•       IPX
over an IPX network
•       ISDN
using an ISDN connection.
Use session
Specify a session number if you want to use a specific modem or other communications device, such as an ISDN card. Use FirstClass Tools to see which session numbers are reserved for specific connections. Otherwise, accept Any Available.
The password that your server will use to connect to the gateway account on the remote server. If you wish for the server to generate a secure password, leave this field blank.
As part of setting up a gateway, if you assign your own password, you must also click Directory and set the password that remote gateways will use to connect to your server.
Number of retries
The number of times the gateway will retry a failed connection.
Retry interval
The number of minutes between retry attempts.
Connection - Network tab
Use this tab to configure the gateway for a network connection.

The server name or IP address of the remote server.
For an AppleTalk connection, type the remote server's zone. For a TCP/IP connection, type the remote server's port. For an IPX connection, leave blank. This defaults to TCP port 510.
Connection - Modem/ISDN tab
Use this tab to configure the gateway for a connection using a modem or ISDN.

The number the gateway must dial to connect. Include any prefixes, such as 9 or 1, as well as any necessary area codes.
The path name of an optional connection script file.
Connection - Advanced ISDN tab
Use this tab for advanced ISDN configuration.
We suggest that you use the default protocol settings first. These are the CAPI defaults. If the connection does not work, try choosing Transparent at "B2 protocol". If the connection still does not work, get the settings you need from the administrator for the server to which you want to connect or check your ISDN documentation.

Scheduling tab
Use this tab to schedule gateway connections.
We recommend that you avoid scheduling the gateway to run during audit.
View Schedule button   Displays what you have scheduled. The current week's connection times are listed, starting with Sunday. This will only work after you have saved your settings.
Scheduling - Time A/Time B tabs
Use these tabs to schedule timed gateway connections. By using both tabs, you can schedule different connection frequencies at different times. For example, you could use Time A to connect every 30 minutes on weekdays and Time B to connect every 6 hours on weekends.

When to connect
The days you want this schedule to make the gateway connect.
Do not use this schedule
If you select this option, this schedule will not be used.
If you choose this option on both Time A and Time B tabs, this gateway will not use either schedule. You would turn off all timed scheduling so your server will never initiate gateway connections. This would only be done if you only want to connect manually or on demand.
Connect on these days
If selected, specify the first and last day of the period you want to connect, then fill in the information in the section "If connecting weekly or daily". To connect on:
consecutive days
choose the first day you want to connect at "First day to connect", and the last day you want to connect at "Last day to connect"
the same day each week
choose the same day at both "First day to connect" and "Last day to connect", or choose "--" at "Last day to connect"
nonconsecutive days
choose one day at both "First day to connect" and "Last day to connect", and the other day on another time scheduling tab.
Connect daily
If you choose this option:
•       choose "Do not use this schedule" on the other time scheduling tab
•       fill in the information in the section "If connecting weekly or daily".
If connecting weekly or daily
Specify the time you want the gateway to start connecting at "Start at". Specify the time you want the gateway to stop connecting at "Stop at".
Specify the number of times the gateway will try to connect during the specified time period at "Repeat". For example, if you set "Start at" to 4:00 am, "Stop at" to 5:00 am, and specify 10 as the number of times to connect, connections are spaced evenly during this time period, and the gateway will try to connect every six minutes. You can also choose a preset value such as "every 15 minutes".
Scheduling - Demand tab
Use this tab to specify thresholds for the number of private messages queued for delivery to the remote server. Once these thresholds are reached, the gateway connects automatically.

Urgent messages
The number of urgent messages that must be in the gateway queue before forcing a connection.
All messages
The number of messages (including urgent messages) that must be in the gateway queue before forcing a connection. For example, if you specified 5 at "Urgent messages" and 10 at "All messages", a total of 4 urgent messages and 6 nonurgent messages would force a connection.
If the gateway uses an expensive connection, such as a long distance phone call, you may want to turn on demand scheduling only for urgent messages, and use Group Privileges to restrict the "Make urgent" privilege to certain users.
If you specify zero at both "Urgent messages" and "All messages", this gateway will not connect on a demand basis.

Multisite tab
Use this tab to configure inbound and outbound gateway connections.

Exclude this gateway
Information about this gateway is not included in Directory synchronization. This can be useful in certain circumstances such as hiding a fax or Internet gateway from users at another site (who have a similar gateway on their local server).
Routing cost
The cost of sending a message through this gateway. When the cost of a route that includes this gateway is determined, this value is added to the cost of other gateways on the route. Messages are sent through the route with the lowest cost. "Standard" is 50, the default cost. If you do not want this gateway used frequently, set this to a high value.
Manual Sync button
Performs Directory synchronization with the remote server the next time the gateway connects to the remote server. If you want to force this connection immediately, click Manual Sync, then Connect on Close, then close this window.
Multisite - Inbound tab
The decisions made on the Multisite - Inbound tab will affect how multisite mail works. You should be familiar with multisite mail before making further decisions about your gateways.
Gatewayed server information to accept
Specifies what information you want this gateway to accept from the remote server:

All information
This gateway will accept Directory information from the remote server it is connected to plus all servers that server is connected to.
Local information only
This gateway will accept Directory information only from the remote server it is connected to. Remote names at that site are ignored.
No information
This gateway will not accept any Directory information from the remote server.
Multisite - Outbound tab
The settings on the Multisite - Outbound tab define what Directory information to send to the remote site when performing Directory synchronization.

Export Directory names
Exports Directory names to the remote server. These names will be listed as "remote names" on the other server.
Restrict to these groups
If you only want to export names from certain user groups or conference groups, specify these groups at "Restrict to these groups". To export all names, leave the "Restrict to these groups" field blank or enter the All Users and All Conferences groups. Even if you specify groups here, the server will export any remote names for other servers you have in your Directory.
Export routes and gateways
Exports all routes and gateways in the local Directory to the remote server.
You must select either "Export Directory names" or "Export routes and gateways" for this gateway to export Directory synchronization information.

Advanced tab
Use this tab to define how conference replication will work and to configure settings for certain third party mail systems.
Conference items
The items to export when conference replication is first run:

Export new items only
exports only items that were added after the gateway was subscribed
Export existing items
exports all items, no matter when they were added.
Remote names
How to handle names to accommodate those third-party mail systems which cannot manage extended names:

Remove site name from outgoing names
Strips the site name from outgoing names.
Only select this option if the gateway is connecting to a site running third-party email software that has difficulty with long names (names in the format user,site).
Use remote names to validate incoming mail
Validates names against remote names in the Directory even if no site is appended to the address.
Only select this option if the gateway is connecting to a site running third-party email software that includes site names in addresses.
Maximum inbound message body size
The maximum size of an inbound message body allowed by this service. This is applicable to Internet Services only as voice messages are received as attachments. Default = 1 MB.
Normally, if you select "Remove site name from outgoing names", you would also select "Use remote names to validate incoming mail".

Customer tab
This tab stores information about your system for other sites. You can view the same information about the remote sites by viewing the Gateways & Services container in List View.  

Server platform
The type of operating system on the server machine.
Number or regular users on the server.
Number of remote users on the server.
FCNS Size (MB)
The size of the FirstClass network store.
The main system language.
Server build number
The current build number of the server.

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