In text |
Only displayed for text in the envelope.The text of the field that contains the spelling mistake. |
Replace |
The word that is unfamiliar to FirstClass. |
With |
The word you want to use in place of the unfamiliar word. You can accept the word shown, type another word, or choose a word from "Suggestions". |
Suggestions |
A list of possible replacements for the unfamiliar word. To choose one of these replacements, click it. The chosen word is displayed at "With". |
Add Word button |
Adds the unfamiliar word to the spell checker dictionary. |
Skip button |
Leaves this occurrence of the word as is. |
Replace button |
Replaces this occurrence of the word with the word in the "With" field. |
Skip All button |
Leaves all occurrences of the word as they are. |
Replace All button |
Replaces all occurrences of the word with the word in the "With" field. |
Send Now button |
Only displayed if your preferences tell FirstClass to
spell check messages automatically when you send them.Stops spell checking and sends the message immediately. |
Options |
Ignore quoted text |
Doesn't spell check text that is in quoted style. |
Ignore URLs |
Doesn't spell check text that is part of a URL. This text commonly contains @ or ://. |
Split compound words |
Use only for checking languages, such as German, that contain many compound words.Checks each part of a compound word separately. |
Enable suggestions |
Lists suggested alternatives for unfamiliar words. Spell checking runs faster without this selected. |
Ignore words with numbers |
Doesn't spell check words that contain numbers (such as 3D). |
Ignore words in UPPERCASE |
Doesn't spell check words that are all capitals (such as CD). |
Split contracted words |
Use only for checking languages such as French (words like "l'arbre").Checks each part of a contracted word
separately. |
Save Options button |
Updates your preferences based on these options. Your changes are used for the rest of this spell check and for all future spell checks. |