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You can read, save, print, forward, or reply to messages offline just as you would when working online.
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When you read a message using FirstClass Personal, that message's history just indicates that the message was routed to you.
Once you have read a message either offline or online, turning the unread flag back on at either end won't make the message look unread after synchronization.

Working with messages in your Mailbox
When FirstClass Personal connects to your server, the contents of your online and offline Mailboxes synchronize.
This means that if you read a message in either your offline or online Mailbox, that message will show as read in the other Mailbox after the next synchronization. If you delete a message from either Mailbox, that message will disappear from the other Mailbox after the next synchronization.

Working with messages in replicated containers
When FirstClass Personal connects to your server, unread messages are replicated to your offline containers. After replication, the online copies of these messages are no longer flagged as unread.
Deleting a message from an offline container doesn't affect the online copy of that message.

Sending messages offline
You can send messages offline just as you would when you work online. When you are addressing messages to users rather than to conferences, you can use your offline Directory as an aid.
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Names that appear local when you work online look remote when you work offline. For example, Lou Kosta becomes Lou Kosta,HuskyPlanes in your offline Directory.
Your new messages are sent when FirstClass Personal connects to your server. To deliver a message immediately, choose Collaborate > Work Offline > Replicate Now.

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