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About toolbars
Each type of FirstClass container has its own toolbar. Toolbar buttons provide shortcuts to a number of common commands. These buttons are an alternative to choosing a command from the menu.
Toolbar buttons have tooltips that show the button name. A fuller description is provided at the same time in the status bar.
You can specify the size of toolbar buttons, which buttons are on a toolbar, the order in which they appear, and whether they include text.
If you see this button at the right side of a toolbar
it means there are more buttons that you can't see because of the width of your window. To see a list of the hidden buttons, click this button. You can "click" one of these buttons by choosing it from the list.
Some buttons have a dropdown arrow to the right:
If you click the button, you are performing the basic button command. If you click the arrow, a submenu opens from which you can choose a related command.

Showing and hiding toolbars

Do this
show a toolbar
Choose View > Toolbars > Show Toolbar.
hide a toolbar
Choose View > Toolbars > Hide Toolbar.

Resetting toolbars to the default
To reset the active window's toolbar to the shipped default, choose View > Toolbars > Reset Toolbar.
Because each type of container uses the same toolbar, this affects your view of the toolbar in all similar containers.

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