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Introducing FirstClass
FirstClass is an easy-to-use, advanced communications and information system that consists of a bundle of applications. Here are some of the things you can do with FirstClass applications:
•       send and receive electronic mail (email), phone messages (voice mail), and faxes
•       transfer files so that other users can access them
•       browse through and send messages to common areas that other users can also use
•       maintain online calendars, through which you can set up meetings with other users
•       maintain contact databases, where you can store information about your personal contacts
•       engage in instant messaging sessions with other users who are online
•       organize items for easy access
•       publish information on the World Wide Web (web).

About the FirstClass system
The FirstClass system consists of two parts: a server and a client that connects to it.
A server stores all your messages and documents, and the Mailbox, conference, and folder structure that contains these items. It also contains information about all the users known to the server.
Your organization may have multiple servers, and you may be able to connect to some of these servers as well. On each server, you will see the objects that the administrator for that server has given you permission to see. The server to which you normally connect is considered your home server.
Client software runs on your computer. It connects to a server, and provides the interface (such as menu commands) that lets you work with FirstClass objects.
You can use one of the following clients to connect to a server:
•       a client that comes with FirstClass and runs on Windows, Mac OS X (Mac), or Linux, and which you install on your computer (this is what this help assumes you are using)
•       a web browser
•       a client-like plugin for Internet Explorer
•       a phone
•       a handheld device.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
This help is located on your server, and therefore describes the client version that shipped with the server. If it does not seem to describe the client that you are running, contact your administrator to check which client version you should be using.

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