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Exchanging S/MIME messages
To send a message using S/MIME:
1       Choose Message > New Message Special > S/MIME Message.
2       Update the S/MIME Message form.
If this is the first S/MIME message you have exchanged with this recipient, choose Signed at "S/MIME type". You can't send an encrypted message to this recipient until you have the recipient's public key, as described below.
3       Send the message.
FirstClass automatically attaches a certificate containing your public key.

The first time you exchange S/MIME messages
When you send an S/MIME message to someone for the first time, that recipient must send the attached certificate to their administrator. That administrator will store your certificate in the same place as the recipient's certificate. When the recipient replies, their certificate is attached to the reply. You must now send the recipient's certificate to your administrator for storage.
Both you and your recipient now have copies of each other's public keys. From now on, each time you send an encrypted S/MIME message to this recipient, FirstClass will use the recipient's public key to encrypt it. Therefore, you can exchange future S/MIME messages without having to involve your administrators.

How to know you have received an S/MIME message
There are three distinct icons used for S/MIME messages:

An S/MIME message with a valid certificate that was correctly encoded. It's a secure message.
An S/MIME message with some kind of certificate problem (for example, the wrong type or expired). It's viewable but not secure.
An S/MIME message with incorrect structure or format. It's probably just garbage when you try to view it.

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