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About your computer's shared space
FirstClass supports multiple users on one machine. To do this, it makes use of your operating system's shared applications area. This area stores the supporting files and folders that ship with applications.
If you update one of the FirstClass files in the shared area when you aren't logged into your computer as administrator (and therefore don't have write access to the shared area), the updated file is placed in your personal user space, in the appropriate folder (the original is left untouched in the shared area, for other users). From then on FirstClass will use the file that is in your user space. If you add a file (even if you are the computer administrator), it is added to your user space, in the appropriate folder.

Windows locations

application file
Program Files\FirstClass
shared files and folders
FirstClass, in your operating system's shared space
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FirstClass
Vista example:
your user space
FirstClass, in your operating system's user space
Documents and Settings\your user space\My Documents\FirstClass
Vista example:
Users\your user space\AppData\Local\FirstClass

Mac locations

application file
shared files and folders
your user space
/Users/your user space/Library/FirstClass

Linux locations

application file
shared files and folders
your user space

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