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You can create a link directly in content in two ways:
•       insert it and then type link text
•       make selected content a link.

Creating links and then typing link text
To create a link and then type the link text:
1       Click where you want to embed the link.
This can be anywhere on a line.
2       Choose Edit > Insert > Insert Link.
3       Update the Format Link form.
If you want to link to a marker, choose it at "Link to marker". The marker name will appear at "Target URL".
4       Type the link text after the link icon.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If you want to type text directly after the link text, and don't want it to be part of the link, choose Edit > Make Link before typing the nonlink text.

Making selected content a link
To create a link from selected content:
1       Select the content (text or embedded picture) that you want to use as a link.
2       Choose Edit > Make Link.
3       Update the Format Link form.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Make Link is a toggle command. If you want to type text directly after text that is a link, and don't want it to be part of the link, choose this command again before typing.

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