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To change font, size, and style all at once, choose Format > Show Fonts.

Changing fonts
To change the font of selected text, use one of these methods:
•       choose Format > Font, then the font you want
•       choose the font from the edit bar
•       choose Format > Format Text, then choose the font at "Font".

Changing text size
To change the size of selected text, use one of these methods:
•       choose Format > Size, then the size you want
The value Smaller makes the size one point smaller. The value Larger makes it one point larger.
•       choose or type the size from the edit bar
•       choose Format > Format Text, then enter the size at "Size".

Changing text color
To change the color of selected text, use one of these methods:
•       choose Format > Color, then the color you want
To see more colors or create custom colors, choose Other Color.
•       choose the color from the edit bar
•       choose Format > Format Text, then choose the color at "Color".

Changing other text styles
You can apply styles such as bold, italics, underlined, and superscript to text. These styles can be applied in combination.
To apply styles to selected text, use one of the following methods:
•       choose Format > Style, then the styles you want
•       click the appropriate button on the edit bar
Plain removes any special styles.
•       choose Format > Format Text, then select the styles you want.
"Placement" allows you to apply superscript or subscript formatting.

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