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Adding rows

To insert a row
Do this
above a selected row
Choose Edit > Table > Insert Rows.
below a selected row
Choose Edit > Table > Insert Rows After.

81203_42935_18.png        Tips
To insert more than one row, select the number of rows that corresponds to the number of rows you want to add.

Adding columns

To insert a column
Do this
to the left of a selected column
Choose Edit > Table > Insert Columns.
to the right of a selected column
Choose Edit > Table > Insert Columns After.

81203_42935_18.png        Tip
To insert more than one column, select the number of columns that corresponds to the number of columns you want to add.

Moving rows and columns
To move a row or column:
1       Select the row or column.
2       Choose Edit > Cut.
3       Click the row below where you want the row inserted, or the column to the right of where you want the column inserted.
4       Choose Edit > Paste.

Deleting rows and columns

To delete
Do this
a selected row
Choose Edit > Table > Delete Rows.
a selected column
Choose Edit > Table > Delete Columns.

81203_42935_18.png        Tip
To delete the contents of cells without deleting the cells themselves, select the rows or columns (or the contents of the entire table, but not the table itself), then press Delete.

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