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[Link]Updating documents

Creating standard documents
To create a document using the standard document form:
1       Open the container where you want to store the document.
2       Choose File > New > New Document.
3       Select the template you want your document to use.
4       Add and format the document content.
You can choose File > Save whenever you want to be sure your work is saved.
5       Click Save and Close when you are done.
You will be asked to supply a document name.
81203_42521_14.png        Notes
Before you close your document, you can give it a name and subject, plus additional information to help refine searches. To do this, click the split bar to open the envelope, then update the fields you want. You can click the split bar again to close the envelope.
If you want to save your document in a different container in FirstClass, choose File > Save As with the document open. This allows you to specify a location as well as a name. To save your document to your computer, export it.

Creating documents using special forms
To create a document using a special document form:
1       Open the container where you want to store the document.
2       Choose File > New > New Document Special, then the form you want to use to create this document.
3       Update the form.
4       Click Save and Close.
5       Identify your document, if this hasn't been done in the open document.
Open the document's properties, then update "Name" and "Subject".

Updating documents
To update a document, open it, make your changes, then save it.
If you aren't allowed to make changes, the document may be protected.

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