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Working with advanced configuration options
Very rarely, you may need to configure things such as window and packet size, or turn on tracing. In normal circumstances, you never need to do this.
To configure advanced connection information:
1       Open the FirstClass Login form.
If FirstClass is already running, choose Collaborate > Connect.
2       Make sure the settings file you want to configure is selected at "Address".
If the settings file is not listed, click Browse to search for it.
3       Click Setup.
4       Click Configure on the Service Setup form.
5       Update the Advanced tab of the Configure Connection form.

Enabling different behaviors for the same protocol
When you configure a connection, you are updating the .fcp file that is used for all connections using this protocol (for example, all high-speed Internet connections).
If you want to make a change that only applies to one settings file, and not to others that use the same .fcp file, you can create a new .fcp file. To do this, create a duplicate of the applicable .fcp file in the FirstClass FCP folder, then name the duplicate, using the extension .fcp.
You have a local network connection for which you want the speaker on for some systems, but off for others. You copy Local Network.FCP and rename the duplicate Quiet.FCP to accommodate turning the speaker off. Then you can create a new settings file that uses Quiet.FCP, or just change the selection as necessary when you log in.

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