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About relative links
A relative link can be used between objects that will always be located in the same places in relation to each other. An example is a self-contained set of documents, like the help you are reading. The whole set can be moved (as it is in the case of this help, which moves to your own server), and links among the documents will still work.
A relative link consists of only a relative path. It doesn't include any server identification.
If the target object is in a different subcontainer from the object containing the link, the path starts with the container that is common to both (../ indicates that the path is starting at the container above the current container, ../../ indicates that the path is starting two containers above the current container, and so on).
By default, FirstClass creates relative links in documents, as long as there is a common container for the documents somewhere in their paths.

About absolute links
An absolute link is necessary if the object containing the link may be moved in relation to the target object. To ensure that the link still works, the full path, including server identification (a protocol specifier, such as fcp, and a server address) is provided.
By default, FirstClass creates absolute links in messages, and in documents that don't share a common container in their paths.

Changing link types
If you copy a relative link, FirstClass converts it to an absolute link on the clipboard (because it could be pasted anywhere). If you paste this link back into a FirstClass object, it is converted back to a relative link, as long as the conditions required for a relative link are met.
You can also manually change a link from relative to absolute, or vice versa. To do this, change the link path at "Target URL" on the Format Link form. For example, the relative path
could be turned into the absolute path

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