The administrator's List Directory allows you to filter Directory, selecting the types of objects to be displayed, and their sort order. You can search for any entry (for example, a user or a conference) and perform common administrative functions on accounts.
New User button |
Opens a new User Information Form. |
Edit button |
Opens the User Information Form for the user selected in the lower pane, or opens the Directory Information form for the object selected in the lower pane. NoteDouble-clicking an entry will produce the same result. |
Audit button |
Audits the account(s) of the user(s)/object(s) selected in the lower pane. |
Desktop button |
Opens the Desktop of the user selected in the lower pane. |
Delete button |
Deletes the user(s)/object(s) selected in the lower pane. |
Message button |
Opens a new message form. If you have a user or conference name selected, the message will be addressed to this Directory entry. |
Search section
Pattern |
Enter a name or partial name for which to search. |
Search |
Click to begin the search. To list all entries in the administrator's Directory, click Search without any parameters. |
Stop |
Click to stop the search. |
Search |
Choose the method by which you want the pattern to match the results: By Name; By User ID; By Group; By Internet Alias; By Client ID; By DN or custom If you choose By User ID, remote names and routes will not appear in the list because they do not have user IDs. If you select By User Group, you must type the group name exactly at "Pattern".
Show |
Choose the types of user(s)/objects you want searched and displayed: Regular users; Remote users; Conferences; Remote names; Gateways and routes; Other
Selecting multiple entries
To select a block of continuous entries, click the first one, then Shift-click the last one in the block. To select discontinuous entries, click the first one, then Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS, Mac OS X) the others. You can combine these selection methods.
Performing multiple searches
You can perform multiple searches and use "push pins" to save the results of each search.
To perform multiple searches:
1 Perform the first search.
2 Click the push pin column at the left beside each result you want to save.
3 Perform the next search.
The results with the push pins will stay and the others will be cleared from the list.
If the new search results move the push pinned results out of sight, you can click the push pin column heading to bring all push pinned results to the top.
To clear a push pin from a result, click the push pin icon.