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Form tabs
Use this form to configure the HTTP and FTP protocols on your system. You do not need to modify this form unless you have an unusual Internet setup.

HTTP - Access tab
Use this tab to define Internet browser options.

Default HTTP Port
The port number for your HTTP server. Do not change the port number unless advised to do so by your web site administrator. Default: 80
Default HTTPS Port
The port for your HTTPS server. Do not change this port number unless advised to do so by your web site administrator. Default: 443
HTTP timeout
The time Internet Services will wait for a response from a web browser before disconnecting. Default: 1 minute
Default language
The default language (not necessarily English) used if you do not have a language file on your system that matches the browser's requested language. Default: en (English)
Home page aliases
Set home page restrictions from the following options:
Allow Short Forms
Default. For more information on Aliases and Allow Short Forms, seeConfiguring user mail aliases.
Aliases Only
Recommended setting. Internet Services passes to the aliases listed in the Internet Services Alias table. This way nothing is passed to the server unless the alias is found in the table.
Cache memory percent
Sets the percentage of available memory Internet Services will use to store the HTTP cache. Do not change this setting unless advised to do so by your web site administrator. Default: 25%

Advanced caching
Selecting this option allows caching of read-only (Windows) or protected (Mac OS X) files. It does not allow caching of writable (Windows) or unprotected (Mac OS X) files.
This option makes Internet Services more selective about which files to cache. Default: Off
Disable CGI RDNS
Disables reverse DNS lookup of any CGIs. The DNS server doesn’t have to resolve domain names into IP addresses for CGIs that don’t need this information. Default: Off
Allow unauthenticated Directory access
Allows unauthenticated users to access the Directory by placing /Directory in a URL.
For security reasons, this option is not recommended, unless you need to make your directory available to the public (for example, government sites). Default: Off
User's IP cannot change during web login session
When selected, incorporates the user's IP address as part of the session key that is used when logged in via the web.
This prevents a user from memorizing your login hash and logging in as you from another computer.
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This is not really needed if users allow Internet Services to set a session cookie, which prevents the login hash from being incorporated into the URL. Default: Off
Administrators may only log in using HTTPS
When checked, administrators must use HTTPS for web access. This ensures that the administrator tasks done from the web are not perfromed using the HTTP protocol, which is less secure than HTTPS. Default: On

HTTP - Logging tab
Use this tab to set your statistics log format, frequency (only applies if you are writing statistics to your own log file), and location.

Logging format
NCSA Common Log Format
Default. The safest format for commercial standard log analyzers.
FirstClass Log Format
Contains additional information, but you will have to write your own database and reports.
NCSA Combined Log Format
Provides NCSA Common fields plus the FirstClass fields.
Log statistics for authenticated users
Logs statistics only for authenticated users. Reduces the load on the server, especially for large sites with heavy HTTP traffic. Default: Off
Log resource statistics (icons, templates, etc.)
Logs Internet Services resources. Reduces the load on the server, especially for large sites with heavy HTTP traffic. Default: Off

Start new log
Select how often to start a new log file, daily or monthly.

Do not log statistics
No statistics log is kept. Default.
Log to server log
Write statistics and include in the server log, located by default in the FCServer\Stats folder.
Log to server statistics folder
Write statistics to the server statistics folder, located by default in the FCServer\Stats folder. The statistics file has an "I" in the file name, for example 01Aug03I.txt
Log to (the full path to the folder)
Write statistics to a location other than the default FCServer\Stats folder. Type the path (using normal path syntax for your operating system) to the folder that will contain this file. Because statistics are written continuously, for performance purposes you may find it best to create this folder on a little-used volume. This folder must be on the server machine, not the machine Internet Services is on.

FTP tab
Use this tab to configure the FTP protocol for file transfer across the Internet.

FTP port
The port from which the FTP module will accept connections. Do not change this port number unless advised to do so by your FTP administrator. Default: 21
FTP timeout
The time Internet Services will wait for a response from an FTP client before disconnecting. Default: 1 minute
Anonymous FTP
Allows FTP users anonymous access. Default: Off

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