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Form tabs
Use this form to change the status of volumes and to enable mirroring. For information, see Multiple volumes and external folders.

Volume Usage tab
Set the intended volume use on this tab.

Browse only
If this is selected, you will be unable to create new users, conferences, or aliases on this volume. Audit is not performed on browse-only volumes.
Limited use
If this is selected, you will be able to create new aliases on this volume, but not users or conferences. This volume can be used as a destination volume for mirroring. Audit is not performed on limited-use volumes.
Full use
If this is selected, you will be able to create new users, conferences, and aliases on this volume. Full mirroring is allowed on a full-use volume. Audit is only performed on full-use volumes.

Disk Mirroring tab
Use this tab to enable/disable mirroring.

Enable disk mirroring for this volume
Enables mirroring for this volume. This is the full-use volume your post office currently resides on.
Mirror to
A folder containing mirrored versions of your post office contents will be created on the volume you choose here.
Choose any full use volume on your system. This can include the volume the post office currently resides on; however, if you are using your mirror to provide redundancy in the event of hardware failure, we do not recommend using this volume.
Enter the number of faults to be detected before attempting resynchronization. The default is 100 and the minimum value is 10. Large systems and systems with heavy Internet and news groups usage should set this to a higher value.
Force full resynchronization of mirror volume contents
Deletes existing mirrored contents and replaces them with the newly mirrored contents.
Select this if you have made any changes to your post office, such as replacing it with a backup.

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