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If you lose all of your Palm data
If you lose all of your Palm data, you can reinstall FCSetup on your Palm device and restore the data from your FirstClass applications. To do this:
1       Start the Palm Quick Install application on your Windows desktop.
2       Click Add.
3       Locate and select the FCSetup.prc file.
4       Connect your Palm device to your computer and synchronize to restore FCSetup.
5       Reconfigure FCSetup.
6       Synchronize to restore your Palm data from your FirstClass applications.
1       Start the HotSync Manager or Missing Sync application on your Mac desktop.
2       Choose HotSync > Install Handheld Files (HotSync), or click Install (Missing Sync).
3       Click Add To List.
4       Locate and select the FCSetup.prc file.
5       Connect your Palm device to your computer and synchronize to restore FCSetup.
6       Reconfigure FCSetup.
7       Synchronize to restore your Palm data from your FirstClass applications.

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