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Installing FirstClass Palm Sync
81203_42521_14.png        Notes
Follow this procedure for upgrades as well as new installations.
You must have Palm Desktop and HotSync or Missing Sync installed on your computer before you install FirstClass Palm Sync.
To install FirstClass Palm Sync:
1       Download the Palm Sync installer for your operating system (Windows or Mac) at
2       Double-click the installer and follow the prompts.
Make sure you answer correctly when asked if your Palm device contains the new PIM applications (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Memos). One Palm Sync conduit will be installed for each application. If you click Yes, the conduits for new PIM applications will be installed, and you won't be able to synchronize with older Palm PIM applications. If you click No, the conduits for older PIM applications will be installed, and you won't be able to synchronize the new fields in the new PIM applications.

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