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About FirstClass® Palm Sync
81203_42521_14.png        Notes
This help is intended for FirstClass users who want to use FirstClass Palm Sync to synchronize data between FirstClass and Palm OS® devices. These documents do not describe how to use the FirstClass client, install Palm™ Desktop, or operate your Palm® device. For that information, see the applicable FirstClass client help or Palm product documentation.
Information about supported Palm devices and requirements is available on our website at
You can synchronize your FirstClass calendar entries, contacts, mail, and memos with your Palm Personal Information Management (PIM) applications on either Windows or Mac. To do this on Windows, you use the FirstClass Palm Sync conduits with Palm HotSync® Manager. On Mac, you can use the FirstClass Palm Sync conduits with either Palm HotSync Manager or Mark/Space® Missing Sync™.

How FirstClass applications map to Palm PIM applications

FirstClass applications
New Palm PIM applications
Older Palm PIM applications
Calendar (events)
Date Book
Calendar (tasks)
To Do List
Address Book
For VersaMail, use Internet Services with POP3 or IMAP 4. TreoMail is not supported.
Memo Pad

*Memos synchronized from your Palm device are stored in the Memos folder on your FirstClass Desktop. If you don't already have a Memos folder, one will be created automatically during synchronization.
Considerations for new Palm PIM applications
• FirstClass calendar events with durations of more than 24 hours are not supported in Palm and are shrunk during synchronization.
To avoid this, recreate these events with shorter durations and repeats.
• Palm calendar event repeats created with the Other repeat option are not supported in FirstClass and are not synchronized.
To avoid this, recreate these events with any of the standard Palm repeat options (Daily until, Every week, Every other week, Every month, Every year).
• Palm task repeats are not supported in FirstClass and are not synchronized.
• Palm contact birthday reminders are synchronized to FirstClass as information only.
• Palm contact images are not supported in FirstClass and are not synchronized.
• Palm contacts multiple email addresses must be semicolon delimited and use only one address/email field on the Palm device.
• Palm and FirstClass contact addresses must be stored as work, home, or other with a maximum of one address for each of these categories.
• Palm and FirstClass contact phone numbers must be stored as work, home, main, mobile, or fax with a maximum of six numbers.
Select the six numbers from these seven options: two work, two home, one main, one mobile, and one fax.
• FirstClass memos of more than 32KB are not supported in Palm and are not synchronized.
To avoid this, split larger memos into a number of smaller memos.
Considerations for older Palm PIM applications
• Palm Date Book event repeats created with the Other repeat option are not supported in FirstClass and are not synchronized.
To avoid this, recreate these events with any of the standard Palm repeat options (Daily until, Every week, Every other week, Every month, Every year).
• FirstClass task completion dates are not supported in To Do List and are not synchronized.
• Address Book multiple email addresses must be semicolon delimited and use only one address/email field on the Palm device to synchronize to FirstClass.
• Mail messages are synchronized only if new and are unflagged in FirstClass.
• FirstClass memos of more than 4KB are not supported in Memo Pad and are not synchronized.
To avoid this, split larger memos into a number of smaller memos.

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