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If you are currently connected to a server
To start FirstClass Personal:
1       Choose Collaborate > Work Offline > Connect Offline.
2       Supply the settings file, user ID, and password that you want to use to connect to the server when working offline.
3       Click Login.

If you aren't currently connected to a server
To start FirstClass Personal:
1       Start FirstClass to open the FirstClass Login form.
2       Supply the settings file, user ID, and password that you want to use to connect to the server when working offline.
3       Click Work Offline.

If this is the first time you have used FirstClass Personal
The Registration form opens when you start FirstClass Personal, showing the settings file and user ID with which you logged in. Ensure that this is how you want to connect to the server when working offline, then type your password.
The first time you work offline, FirstClass Personal replicates your Directory information. Replication and synchronizing of everything else will only occur as specified by the scheduling information you supplied on the FirstClass Personal Settings form.
This gives you time to set up any conferences that you want to replicate offline, and to select other containers, such as your calendar.
For greater control, you can synchronize/replicate containers gradually, to make sure that each one synchronizes as you would expect, before synchronizing the next one. You can also turn on logging to capture details of the synchronization.

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