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Sending messages immediately

Do this
send your message and leave it open
Choose Message > Send.
send your message and close it
Choose Message > Send and Close.

After you send a message, FirstClass adds a postmark icon to the message envelope.

Sending messages later
To close a message and leave it unsent, just close the message window. The message stays in your Mailbox with an unsent flag beside it.
You can open the message later to update and then send it, or simply select and send it.

What happens when you send a message
When you send a message to several people, only one copy of the message is actually created. It is stored on the server, and links to it are stored in your Mailbox and the Mailboxes of all recipients.
You can change the properties of your own link, or even delete it, without affecting the links in others' Mailboxes. The actual message stays on the server as long as there are any links to it, and it has not expired.

Mailing files using a MAPI-enabled application
If you have set FirstClass as your default mail client in your preferences, you can create files in a MAPI-enabled application such as Microsoft® Word, then mail them using FirstClass.
To mail a file from a MAPI-enabled application, choose the application's Send command (often under the File menu) with the file open. FirstClass creates an unsent message with the file attached. If you are not currently connected to a FirstClass server, you will be prompted to log in before you see this message.

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