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Addressing messages using the Directory
To specify a recipient who is in the Directory, enter the recipient's full name or part of the name. For details, see the help for the standard message form.
To create a message from the Directory
If you have not yet created a new message, you can use the Directory or Who's Online list to create a preaddressed standard message. To do this, choose Create Mail To from the context menu.

Addressing messages to your contacts
You address messages to your contacts just as you specify any other recipient who is in the Directory.
If your contact has multiple email addresses (such as a business and a personal one), all addresses will be included in the list of matches when you type the contact name, or part of it. Simply choose the address to which you want to send your message.

Addressing messages to conferences
You can address a message to a conference just as you would to another user. To automatically address a message to a conference, open the conference, then create the message.

Addressing messages to Internet addresses
To specify a recipient when the message will go over the Internet, type the recipient's email address. FirstClass recognizes any address containing @ as an Internet address.
FirstClass does not check whether this type of address is valid.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Sending mail to local addresses (addresses on your own server) is more efficient than sending mail over the Internet. For this reason, if the recipient is on your server, FirstClass will try to substitute their local FirstClass address for the Internet address.

Addressing messages to gateway addresses
To specify a recipient who is connected to your server through a gateway, type the address in the format
recipient's name,gateway name
The recipient's name is the user name or address of the recipient as defined on the other system. The gateway name is the name used by the other system.
81203_42521_14.png        Example
To send a message to Amanda Ho through the HuskyPlanes Toronto gateway, type
For information on the gateways to which you can address messages, contact your administrator.

Using addresses from other messages
To use an address from an existing message or document, drag it to the appropriate field of your new message. You can also open the context menu from the address, then choose Create Mail To, to create a preaddressed new message.
To use a mailto link in the body of a message or document, click the link. A new message is created with this address in the "To" field.

Using addresses from external sources
To use an address from an external source, select the address, then Control-drag (Windows, Linux) or drag (Mac) it to the appropriate field in your new message.
If you want to send a message to many people, and they aren't in a mail list:
1       Type the addresses in the body of your message, one address per line.
You can also copy the addresses from an external document where they are arranged one address per line and paste them into the body as plain text.
2       Select all the addresses and drag them to the "To", "Cc", or "Bcc" field.

Removing recipients
To remove a recipient from your message, select the recipient, choose Edit > Clear, then press Tab to completely clear the line.

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