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If you are using FirstClass on Linux, you can use a text editor to update files in the firstclass directory to:
•       tell FirstClass how to handle files created in other applications
•       tell FirstClass what fonts to use when you view objects formatted with fonts that you do not have.

Running external applications
FirstClass knows how to handle several non-FirstClass file types, such as certain picture formats. If you have a file type that FirstClass can't handle, and the application for that file type is installed on your computer, you can tell FirstClass which application to use with that file type.
The fcapps file tells FirstClass how to handle files created in other applications. This file ships with a default set of commands that handle some common file types. You will have to update this file in the following circumstances:
•       your Linux version stores an application in a different location than that specified in fcapps
•       you want to use a different application than one specified in fcapps
•       you add an application.        KDE
KDE will ask you what application you want to open a file in, when the file type is unknown to FirstClass. The only time you need to edit fcapps is to specify a preferred application for a file type.
For each file-handling command, the syntax is:

.ext,.ext...=[path/]application flags %f
The extension of the file type you want FirstClass to handle.
You can list variants of the extension, separated by commas.
The full path to the directory containing the application that handles this file type.
You don't need to specify this if the application is in your predefined Linux path.
The application's name.
Any flags you want used with this command.
Will be replaced with the name of a specific file of this type.

.PDF,.pdf=/usr/local/Acrobat3/bin/acroread %f
.WAV,.wav,.snd,.au,.audio=kmedia %f

Specifying audio devices
You can specify which audio mixer and device you want FirstClass to use. By default, FirstClass uses /dev/mixer and /dev/device.
Specifying audio mixers/devices is useful in the following circumstances:
•       sound is not working in FirstClass and you need to select a different audio mixer/device to resolve the problem
•       you have multiple audio mixers/devices, and you want to direct sound to particular ones.
The syntax for specifying the audio mixer and device is
export FCMIXERDEV=/dev/mixer
export FCAUDIODEV=/dev/device
/opt/firstclass/fcc &
export FCMIXERDEV=/dev/mixer1
export FCAUDIODEV=/dev/dsp1
/opt/firstclass/fcc &
FCMIXERDEV and FCAUDIODEV are environment variables. You set them from the command line or startup script before you start FirstClass.

Substituting fonts
You can tell FirstClass what font to use when you are viewing objects that were formatted with a font that you do not have. You do this by mapping the object's original font to one of your own fonts.
Assuming you know the general characteristics of the original font, you normally try to map to a font that is similar in appearance. For example, if the original font is a standard sans serif body font, you would map to a standard sans serif body font that you have.
The fcfonts file contains a few default font mappings. You can change these mappings and add your own.
The syntax for the font mapping command is
"original font" = "your font"
"Verdana" = "Avantgarde"
"Courier New" = "Courier [Adobe]"

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