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Types of calendar views
You can split a calendar into panes, and look at it using the same views, as you do for conferences. While in these views, you can do the same things you do with messages. For example, in list view you can sort calendar events.
In addition, there are the following specialized calendar views:

To display
Shows the least detail, and highlights the current day.
Choose View > View by Month.
Highlights the current day.
Choose View > View by Week.
Shows the most detail, in time slots.
Tasks and untimed events are displayed at the top of this view.
Choose View > View by Day.
work week
Shows only your work week days, in day view.
Choose View > View by Work Week

What vertical bars mean
You will see colored vertical bars to the left of calendar events:

The event was set as Busy (unavailable for any other event at this time), and another event conflicts.
The event was set as Tentative (may or may not be able to attend the event).
The event was set as Free (other events can be scheduled at the same time).

Displaying additional calendar information
You can open a pane to the left of a calendar to display additional information. To do this, choose View > Show Today List.
If you open this pane, you will see:

Today tab
Lists tasks that start today or are still ongoing, and events that take place today.
Tasks are listed before events, with urgent tasks and events before nonurgent ones.
Calendars tab
Lists all calendars that are available for you to display combined.
mini month pane
Displays dates by month.
The bigger you make this pane, the more months you will see in it. Days containing events are in bold.

Customizing calendar views
You can customize your calendar views in the following ways:
•       display week numbers (month and week views)
•       change the day on which the week starts (month view and mini month pane)
•       specify the day on which your work week starts
•       show your weekend days in one column or two
•       specify background colors for your working and nonworking hours (day view).
These colors are also used in month view to indicate days that do and don't belong to the month.
To customize your calendar views, make the changes you want in your preferences.

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